Chono's Assistant Part 2

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"My name used to be Kota Nakanishi, I was just a regular office worker, working for a book publisher. About a year into the job I met Midori, she worked at the cafe one block over. I still wasn't very confident at work, so she was the highlight of my day!" Chono said while mentally flashbacking on what happened. "I went as often as I could until we grew close, she would just smile and listen as I complained endlessly about my terrible job.

Then, one day I realized I was in love, I wanted to take care of her, see, her first husband had died and she had a son at home" Chono said in a sad tone. "Anyways, I proposed, but then... One month later, they fired me, I started drinking and she took her son and left. It's important she sees everything I've accomplished in the last 2 years! That's why today's performance means so much to me!" Chono said desperately.

(Y/n) started chuckling, finding it hilarious that the human is trying so hard for someone who didn't even show up. "Hey buddy, look at this magic knife," Nendo said to (Y/n) as he playfully stabbed her with it. "Nendo! You wounded me! I can't go on" (Y/n) said dramatically, playing along with his childless.

"Now, now Riki, that's not a toy, now apologize to the young madam" Midori scolded her son. "It's not a bother madam, you see me and Nendo know each other from school, I guess you can say we're friends?" (Y/n) said, it sounded more like a question though.

"Riki actually made a friend? And such a cute female too... You should come by sometime for dinner" Midori suggested. "No," Kusuo said to (Y/n), as he doesn't want her to agree to have a dinner date with Nendo. "I would love to, thank you" (Y/n) said with a bow, while earning a glare to the back of her head.

"Also, are we going to forget the fact that she looks exactly like Nendo!" Kusuo exclaimed to (Y/n) in dread. "Hey... He looks kinda familiar, hold on..." Nendo said as he looked at Kusuo. "Familiar? I think you're seeing things Nendo! This is Cycle" (Y/n) said while saving Kusuo from being figured out.

"You're right, for a second I thought he was our pal Saiki, but his glasses are all wrong!" Nendo pointed out. "As much as I am grateful for rescuing me, I thought I said to not call me that name" Kusuo complained, with an annoyed expression. "Now come on, it's our cue to leave," Kusuo said as he grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and tried to leave.

"Woah! Where are you going Cycle, Alphons? We still got another half of the show" Chono said to the two, stopping them from leaving. "Midori, will you watch the rest of my performance tonight? Then give me a second chance?" Chono asked hopefully, but based on Midori's expression, he was out of luck.

"Yes... It's a drive for me and Riki, so at the very least we'll watch you, but don't expect any more from me than that. It feels like our relationship ran its course a long time ago" Midori said reluctantly as she and her son left the room. "I still can't get over the fact that she and Nendo have the same face" Kusuo pointed out. "Alphon, and Master, let's get the box ready" Chono demanded the two, determined to make the show enjoyable for his ex.

"Presenting my all-new body-cutting trick! My lovely assistant Alphon will get inside the box-" Chono started to say only to be interrupted. "No, we agreed that I go into the box unless you want to go in there instead" Kusuo threatened Chono. "Ah... I mean my assistance Cycle will go into the box! Then I will separate the box with a chainsaw" Chono explained.

"You know... You didn't have to threaten him, I would've been just fine" (Y/n) said to Kusuo in a hushed tone. "I'm not letting you take that risk," Kusuo said stubbornly. Chono opened the box, and Kusuo obediently went into the box, while the crowd was trying to figure out how the trick works.

"Are you ready Cycle? Let's go" Chono said, only to be interrupted once again. "Hold on! I want to be your magician helper and get inside the box!! You can cut me up with whatever, I'll be fine!!" Nendo said eagerly. "Riki... No..." Chono said with a reluctant look. "That's enough Ri, let's go home," Midori said to Nendo as she started to walk away from the show.

Now they have Nendo in the box instead of Kusuo, and no one tried to stop him. They watched as Chono tries to cut the box with the chainsaw, but hesitantly. "Should we stop him?" (Y/n) asked curiously, as she isn't going to be the one to stop the oncoming chaos.

"No, I think it'd be a blessing without Nendo around," Kusuo said calmly, but reluctantly knowing that Nendo won't get hurt. They then witness Chono tossing the chainsaw to the ground, surprising the audience. "I'm sorry! I can't go through with this trick! I violated the code of stage magic. I wanted this trick to hit so badly that I brought it out here, even though I haven't figured out how to do it safely" Chono said reluctantly to the crowd.


The place was a wreck, with walls chipped down, seats destroyed, the fabric ripped, and a sad human who looked like shit. "I knew they'd be mad, but not that mad!" Chono said while sitting against the wall with a depressed look. "That was the best show I've seen so far! Oh, the tragedy, the agony, and the failure" (Y/n) said dramatically.

"No need to rub it in!" Chono said while tears ran down his face. "You have a strange preference," Kusuo said to (Y/n) with a blank look. They then heard a door open, and moved out of the person's way, only to watch her place down a credit card in front of Chono.

"Hey... My old bank account" Chono said in realization, confused about how it got in front of him. "It had gotten lost in my stuff, I never spent one cent from it," Midori said with a smile. "Midori! I thought you left!" Chono said as he got up from the ground, now suddenly very happy.

"Well, that was a really bad show, you got the crowd so excited, then you didn't deliver the goods," Midori said, adding more salt to the wound. "But, don't worry, when you've got that trick down cold, I'll come to see it again," Midori said as she goes to leave the room, quite satisfied with the positive note.

"Thanks for my bank account! I promise I'll do it right next time! With this, I now have the money to buy a brand new 1.2 million yen, body-cutting box" Chono said, causing Midori to stop in her tracks. Suddenly Midori kicked Chono in the gut, "ON SECOND THOUGHT, GIVE THAT BACK LOSER!!!" Midori yelled out.

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