The Cafe Incident

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Throughout the classroom, multiple kids started talking about Karaoke, many have already asked (Y/n) to join along. Of course, being an entertainer, and a people pleaser, she couldn't refuse the offer. "Why did you have to accept their offer?" Kusuo complained, being the only one to not be a loud chatterbox.

"What can I say? I love to sing and I love pleasing people, if I do say so myself" (Y/n) said happily. "What if I don't want you to go?" Kusuo grumbled in distaste. "You're funny! I can't just accept an invitation and not go, that's rude!" (Y/n) chuckled, despite it not being a joke.

"Uh... Hey..." A kid asked from behind Kusuo, earning (Y/n)'s attention, only to spot Kaido and Nendo. "Uh... Yoshida, are you in?" The kid asked, completely ignoring the two. (Y/n) slightly chuckled, finding it funny that they both got rejected. "What are they talking about?" Nendo asked Kaido with dotted eyes, completely clueless about their classmate's conversation.

"I don't know" Kaido answered back, seemingly not caring. "It's better that they don't, if they went while you're there, then we have another issue" Kusuo commented to (Y/n), knowing the two idiots behind him can't hear him. "Kaido, I don't mind, while Nendo..." (Y/n) trailed off, her permanent smile slightly faltering. Let's just say that Kusuo didn't need her to finish her sentence to know what she meant.

"Oh wow! Teruhashi!" Two males gasped out loud, instantly going over to the girl. Kusuo instantly pulled out a book, now pretending to be busy reading. (Y/n) peered over his shoulder curiously, wondering what book he was "reading". "I'm sorry, I can't, I have a koto lesson after school" Teruhashi "apologized" to them. Just like that, the mood dropped significantly by Teruhashi's refusal, which confused (Y/n) greatly.

How can humans get so affected by one measly human girl? "Let's just call it off," one kid said, which (Y/n) and Kusuo heard. "Heard that? It's canceled, now you don't have to go" Kusuo said a bit smugly. "Did you have something to do with this?" (Y/n) asked accusingly, but overall didn't seem that mad about it. "Unfortunately, I didn't... Sort of, it's more so because I didn't join in" Kusuo explained, which overall, didn't make much sense to the demon.


Since plans were ruined by Teruhashi, (Y/n) and Kusuo decided to pay a visit to Kusuo's favorite Cafe, Cafe Mami. They are known as regulars, due to Kusuo's sweet tooth for coffee jelly. Plus, (Y/n) can get his normal dose of very, very, very black coffee. Kusuo could never fathom how (Y/n) could even stomach the stuff, it's just beyond bitter.

Currently, they're waiting for their orders patiently, sitting in comfortable silence. Kusuo isn't one for small talk, even if they talked, it would be rather short. "Sorry to keep you waiting... Gh?! Saiki, (Y/n)?!" Mera said in fright, accidentally dropping their plate of beverages.

"Oh my, are you alright, my dear?" (Y/n) asked as she looked at the girl, unlike a certain psychic who only focused on the beverages. "Such a waste and it was such good coffee" Kusuo complained, not carrying about the girl's distressed state. (Y/n) then watched as floating coffee jelly flew right into Kusuo's mouth, earning a deadpan look from her.

"I'm sorry, I'll clean it up and get you another one, just hold on... Huh? Hey, where's the coffee jelly?" Mera asked while Kusuo turned away. "No idea" Kusuo easily lied while happily chewing on his coffee jelly, then he spotted the look (Y/n) sent him. "Stop staring at me like that, it's creepy," Kusuo said bluntly, while (Y/n) shook her head disappointedly.

After a few quick minutes, Mera came back with their orders, this time they weren't ruined. "Thanks for helping me (Y/n), it really helped a lot. I'm also sorry, again, for ruining your products, I can be a bit of a clutz, so here's an extra one, free of charge" Mera said as she placed another coffee jelly down.

"No need to thank me, I'm just helping a fellow woman in need, you know how the saying goes. 'Women stick together!'" (Y/n) said reassuringly, while Kusuo stared at his second free coffee jelly. "Um, by the way, Saiki, (Y/n)" Mera said hesitantly, unsure how to approach them about her conflict.

"I'm begging, please don't tell anyone that I got a part-time job as a waitress! If the school finds out, then they'll make me quit!" Mera explained as she sat down next to (Y/n), who instantly scooted away from her. "Not just this job, but--" Mera goes on to list all her jobs, which (Y/n) instantly lost interest of.

Instead, she took a sip of her bitter coffee, now opting to ignore the poor girl, and pretend the exchange never happened. "To be honest, my family's poor," Mera said like she was revealing a big secret, which in fact, she wasn't. Now, being a demon, she couldn't care less about her situation, having dealt with worse back when she was alive.

Plus, she's not taking care of a full-grown teen, who can easily get an actual job not looking like "lovely" Mike. (Y/n) then instantly spotted Mera drooling, disgusted, she moved further away from Mera. Surprisingly, Kusuo pushed his coffee jelly over to Mera, who happily took it.

"Oh, it's fine, you can go ahead and eat, and ignore me," Mera said, trying to refuse the food, despite drooling on it. After little to no convincing, Mera decided to eat the coffee jelly, humming in happiness from the lovely taste. "Saiki, it's so good! I feel like I owe you my life, to be honest, all I had to eat since yesterday morning--" Mera started to ramble, while (Y/n) continued to sip on her coffee.

'She talks too much, it's starting to get annoying' (Y/n) complained, but wasn't rude enough to voice her thoughts. But she debated actually telling her after she ate the coffee jelly off the table. Mera was annoying and greatly disturbing (Y/n)'s peace of mind. Finally, they left the shop, with (Y/n) having to somehow slither around Mera without touching her. "I know it was gross, but this is dramatic," Kusuo said while guiding her back to their home.

"She makes me want to baptize myself" (Y/n) said with a shudder, despite having a large smile on her face. Kusuo then stopped in his tracks, taking a glance back at the cafe, thus confusing (Y/n). In an instant, (Y/n) released Kusuo's hand, and tried speedwalking away. "Yeah, I'm not going back there" (Y/n) said, only for the back of her clothes to be grabbed, dragging her backward.

Now, (Y/n) could've easily gotten away from Kusuo, but allowed herself to be dragged back towards the Cafe. There, in the window, is their PE teacher, Matsuzaki. Kusuo then randomly started to walk away from the window, still dragging (Y/n) with him. "That was a bit pointless, don't you think?" (Y/n) commented with a deadpanned look, but ultimately got used to being dragged around by the psychic.

"Fine... Only this once, only because I like their coffee jelly" Kusuo finalized as he removed his antenna. "Happy now? I made it so that our school allows after-school jobs" Kusuo said as he placed his antenna back in his head. "Wait, didn't you say, if you removed that, you lose control of your powers for a while?" (Y/n) questioned, confused about when he got control of that.


"Hey, we're all going to Karaoke after class, you wanna come?" The students asked again, like yesterday never happened. (Y/n), if she could, would've pouted for not receiving an answer from Kusuo, leaving her confused. The student's invites were a basic "rinse and repeat" method, getting the same answers and invites.

Except, this time (Y/n) had declined earlier, believing that, if it's just a basic repeat, they'll cancel eventually. "Hey, Saiki says he wants to come," some random dude said, earning a confused look from (Y/n). "Saiki? Yeah, sure" the male said, not really caring. "I'm in!! Let's go!" Teruhashi said happily, completely obvious to her crush on the male.

"Really?!" "Sweet!" The two males cheered until they were interrupted. "Oh, hey, what's going on? Are we finally going to get together, after school and hang out?" Nendo asked innocently. Instantly, the mood dropped, and not in a good way, no one wanted Nendo to join them. "Wow, that sure killed the mood" Kusuo commented sarcastically, but a bit glad he doesn't have to go against his will.

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