Part 30 - Happily Ever After? - Finale

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*5 years later*

As you walk across the newly laid lawn of the compound, you can't help but admire the sunshine. Finding a bench near the lake you sit, just taking in the peace and quiet. With the remainder of the money Tony had given (and Howard) you decided to create a memorial garden within the newly built compound, right next to the lake. Rebuilding the compound, surprisingly, hadn't cost as much as you thought it would, after getting subsidies from both Stark Industries, and the Wakandan royal family.

Most of the money had gone to charitable organisations, mainly helping those most affected by the Blip. The majority of people struggling were those who had survived the five years, suddenly kicked out of homes as their owners returned. There had been talks of reestablishing strict border controls, even over state lines, as wells as 'camps' for the down trodden to live on. You had managed, alongside Bucky and Sam as well as the good old American dollar, to convince the government there was another way. You'd also managed to employ an intelligent and enterprising young woman named Karli Morgenthau to take over the charity - leaving you more time to concentrate on other things.

The sunlight hitting off the marble stone lodged in the centre of the almost clear water draws your eye to it. You can't help but memorise the names of everyone listed. Everyone's names were carefully etched the same size. No sacrifice was greater than the other; except for those that were left behind. You stand and run your hands over the cool marble, over the names of the people who had helped shape and save the world over time.

Edwin Jarvis. Howard Stark. Maria Stark. Pietro Maximoff. Vision. Loki Odinson. These were just a few of many. Your heart breaks as you run your fingers over Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark. Your hand rests on the last name, trying hard to fight back the sobs. Steve Rogers.

Since getting back in 2023 you had scoured every resource you could to try and track down Steve, and what he had done since he sent you back. But you had found nothing. Even though you knew at some point he must have made it to Howard, to make sure Sam got the shield, neither Howard's or Tony's notes mention it.

"Yeah, I miss him too Bluebell." Bucky surprises you by wrapping an arm around your waist. "I'd like to think he moved on and lived a great life. But I don't see him doing that. Not after you."

"Do you think he went back to Peggy?" You ask, only because you read her name on the memorial. Despite how you felt about her, she still had been a pivotal character in the set up of SHIELD, and one of the many genuine SHIELD agents who wanted to help the world.

"Not a chance." Bucky smiles, even though guilt is swelling up at him as he reads Howard and Maria's names. To distract him you look behind him.

"Where is everyone?" He rolls his eyes and scoffs at the question.

"Sam's nervous about his speech. I apparently stare at him too loudly."

"There's some truth to that." You nudge him with a smile. "So who's helping him?"


"Nope." Thor arrives at the other side of you. "Apparently I breathe too loudly so..."

"Wow. Wilson's went full diva on us." The three of you burst into laughter.

"Thank you Bella," Thor wraps an arm around your waist too, joining Bucky. He nods his head towards the memorial stone. "For putting my people...for Loki." You can't help but smile at the change in him. After some INTENSE sessions with you, Sam and Bucky, some normalcy had returned to the God of Thunder. You'd convinced him to come to New York with you, and had even managed to convince him to go to therapy sessions with Bucky. He had lost weight, rebuilt some of his physique, and even cut his hair. Demons were still there, but he got through the rough patches - especially with Bucky's help, the two of them becoming close friends.

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