Part 2 - Please Don't Hate Me

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Just as you're about to get to your hotel room, you hear heavy footsteps running towards you. As a hand grabs your shoulder, you on instinct grab the wrist and twist the arm, dropping it instantly when you turn and see Bucky standing behind you. "Ow?" he half laughs at your expression before shaking his arm. "I know you're mad but damn..."

"What do you want James?" You huff as you enter your room, hating the decor of the room. There was still work to be done finding everyone who returned a place to live so you were stuck here for the time being. A part of you wanted to go back to Wakanda, where you and Bucky had lived before the Blip; you working closely with the Dora Milaje to help rid him of the Winter Soldier. You had held off on that, wanting to help rebuild the avengers compound and all the others that had suddenly returned; that was until Steve dropped his bombshell.

"James?" Bucky almost pouts. "Come on Bella, don't get mad at me for this...."

"Are you really willing to let him go?" You ask, searching his eyes for the truth. In the past you had always been able to read his mind, but since Hydra, since they had created the Winter Soldier, you couldn't. And Buck wasn't one to openly talk nowadays. "You can't tell me you're not pissed about this."

He throws his hands up in frustration, before taking his jacket off and throwing it on a chair. "Of course I'm pissed," he sighs before sitting on your bed. "I don't want him to leave but what can we do?"

"Not let him go," You yell as you run your hands through your hair. "I'm serious Buck, I can't let him do this. He can't leave us." You start pacing the room, Bucky just watching you as you rant. "I mean, why? After everything we've been through. Everyone we had to fight to get you back." You slam your hand down on the small table sitting beside your bed, breaking it in two. "Why are you being so calm about all of this?" You shout directly at him. "Aren't you mad that he's leaving you behind, after everything?"

"Technically if you go with him, you're leaving me too." He grabs your wrist and pulls you to sit on the bed with him. "Should I be mad at you too?"

"Buck," you almost plead. "I don't want to leave you."

"I know," he sighs wrapping an arm around your shoulders, pulling him into you, calming you ever so slightly. "But you're going to because it's Steve. You're in love with him, you've followed him around everywhere since he got out the ice. Why would it be any different now?" You hesitate for a while, forgetting that you had told Bucky all about your feelings for Steve while you were living in Wakanda. 

"I don't want to choose between you both," You sigh, looking down at the floor. "I don't want you to hate me," you feel the tears come to your eyes, as you wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his shoulder. "Please don't hate me."

"Not possible Bluebell," he smiles before kissing the top of your head. "You've never hated me for the things that I've done. I'm sure as hell not going to hate you for following your heart." He pulls you into a tight hug, holding you as the tears start to flow more.

"I meant what I said Buck," You squeeze him tighter. "I'll bring him back."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." He kisses your head again. "You know what Steve is like when he gets an idea in his head. There's no stopping him."

"This is me we're talking about Buck," you pull away to look him in the eye. "When I have I ever let you down?" He doesn't quite meet your eyes, looking down. You instantly regret your statement, knowing exactly how you had. You had let Hydra take him, you hadn't been able to save him.

"Just promise me one thing Bella." He places a hand on either side of your face. "I can't even begin to understand how all this works, but if you need to, just come home." He presses his forehead against yours. "I'll always have your back."

"I promise Bucket." You smile, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips before pulling him once again into a tight hug. Suddenly you're distracted by your phone ringing, looking down at the screen, you're both surprised and pissed off as you see it's Steve. "If he thinks for one second he can worm his way out of this with a phone call..." You start, making Bucky laugh as he takes the phone from you and switches it off.

"Poor guy never did have a clue when it came to women," he chuckles. Getting up and grabbing his coat, throwing yours at you. "Come on, let's go and try get drunk."

"Seriously?" You laugh. "We already went through two bottles at Steve's."

"You're just scared." He teases you as he walks over to the door, opening it and waiting for you to get ready. "You know I can still drink you under the table."

"You couldn't then, and still can't now." You stick your tongue out at him as you put your jacket on. "Challenge accepted Bucket." 

"Atta' girl." 

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