Part 1 - The End Of The Line

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It had been one hell of a week, perhaps one of the worst weeks you had had in your 100 years, scratch that 105 years. Let alone the fact that you had had to deal with coming back to life five years after turning to dust, but you had just had to bury two of your closest friends, scratch that again, your family. Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff had given their lives so that they could bring back half the universe, and you barely had any time to say goodbye.

After Nat's memorial, and finding out everything that had happened in the last five years while you had been blipped, you had wanted to try and keep your family closer together but for the last few days Steve had been putting off seeing you, until a few a hours ago when he called, asking you to come over. As you walk along to his apartment, you're stopped by a random stranger nudging your side.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Bucky laughs as you meet him with a confused look, before wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "How you doing Bluebell?"

"Still with that nickname Bucket?" You nudge him in the side, as you walk along the Brooklyn streets, making him laugh. "Any idea what Steve's up to?"

"Can't the three musketeers get back together properly for the first time in 80 years?" he laughs, pulling you closer to him. "Relax Bella, I'm sure it's just going to be a regular night." You nod wrapping an arm around his waist as you continue to walk towards Steve's apartment.

"How's it been for you?" You ask him, knowing how awkward it had been for yourself, coming back into the world after the Blip. It was a difficult feeling to describe, but if you had to, you would say it was like falling in a dream, the kind that jolts you awake, making you look around, questioning where you were. After waking up in that Wakandan forest, you had felt ice cold and completely alone. Your only saving grace had been when Bucky had found you. Before either of you had a chance to get your bearings, a shimmering orange portal appeared, and some madman named Strange had told you to get ready to fight.

The instant you walked through that portal, your stomach dropped; Bucky reaching over and grabbing your hand, squeezing it tightly as you looked around at the devastation. Finally your eye was drawn to the lone figure standing amongst the rubble - a massive army behind him, one he was willing to fight through himself if it mean there was a chance: Steve.

"One day at a time Bells," Bucky smiles at you, bringing you back from the memory.


After dinner and a few drinks the three of you sit around the table, reminiscing  about the good old days, when you were just three teenagers trying to survive the mean streets of Brooklyn, all the way up to the present day. All three of you had lived such extraordinary different lives, yet one thing always remained the same: you were together.

"So you're probably wondering why I just asked you two to come here tonight?" Steve finally spits out.

"About damn time," you laugh, earning a little chuckle from Bucky too. "So come on Steve, spit it out." You laugh, while he looks at you confused. "What's going on?"

"I'm just back from seeing Bruce," he sighs. "We managed to salvage some tech from the compound, and Dr Pym has helped us out. I need to go on one last mission."

"And what's that going to cost us now?" You sigh, still thinking about how you didn't get a chance to say goodbye to Nat or Tony.

"I have to take the stones back." he pauses, not looking at either you or Bucky.

"And you need us to come with you?" Bucky asks, finishing off his drink, hesitation in his voice. "Cause I'll be honest, I don't know if I'm ready for another fight Steve." You reach over and grab his hand, gently squeezing it.

"No actually," he pauses again, swallowing down the pain in his own heart at the sight of his two best friends. "Its a job I have to do alone. But I needed to tell you both."

"What Steve?" You ask. Deep down you knew it was bad the minute he didn't meet your eye, but you weren't expecting his response.

"I'm not coming back." he blurts out as quickly as he can. "Once I've given back the stones, I'm going to settle down somewhere and..." You don't hear the end of his sentence, in fact you hadn't heard anything since he had said he wasn't coming back. If only he could hear the sound your heart had made when it shattered.

"No." You state blankly, no emotion in your voice, cutting him off from whatever he was saying. Letting go of Bucky's hand, you stand. Walking to the other side of the room, hand on your head as you try to contemplate the words he has just said.

"Belle," Steve gets up and places a hand on your shoulder, which you push off. "I know this isn't going to be easy but..."

"No Steve," you turn to face him. "You take the stones back, and then you come back to us."

"I can't do that. I don't expect you to understand." His voice is low and determined, but he still can't quite meet your eye.

"What don't I understand Steve?" You start to pace the room in anger. "That you've just decided we don't matter anymore?"

"That's not fair Bella," Bucky starts, but you put a hand up to him.

"FAIR!" you yell at him. "Tell me one thing about any of our lives that's been fair!" Both men drop their heads to the floor.

"It's not like that," Steve tries to console you again, but you can barely look at him. "But I can't do this anymore. It's time for me to give up the shield."

"You can't retire here?" You almost beg, so filled with rage that you can't even form tears. Turning to Bucky, you're amazed at his absolute calmness; how can he just sit there and say nothing. Walking over to him, you stand in front of him. "Are you actually going to say something here?"

"What is there to say?" he grumbles, barely audible. "He's already made up his mind." He looks over at Steve who's eyes are still filled with regret, but determination, before pouring himself another drink.

"Of course," You throw your hands up in the air, exasperated again. "It's always about Steve. His way, his rules. It's fucking pathetic!" You point at Steve, him standing so close to you your fingers prod into his chest. "I'm coming with you." You start to walk away but he grabs you by the wrist.

"No. I need you and Bucky to stick together...."

"Then we all go?" You start, but Bucky shakes his head.

"Not me, I told you. I'm not ready for this..."

"Then I'm going. WE take back the stones and then we come home. The three of us together again."

"Not an option Bella." Steve commands, but who was he kidding. You weren't a soldier, and you were never going to follow this order even if you were.

"It's the only option you have Steve." You snap, teeth gritted together. "I go too. Or you find someone else to take the damn stones back." you march out the room, not looking back.

"Aren't you chasing after her?" Both men ask at the same time, neither one of them willing to make the first move.

"She'll never let you go pal," Bucky says.

"She doesn't want this, she doesn't want to leave you Buck." Tears pulling at Steve's eyes. This wasn't the way he had wanted this conversation to go.

"She doesn't love me," Bucky whispers, but Steve doesn't hear him. He takes a last sip of his glass, setting it on the table and walking over to Steve. "Guess it's the end of the line, pal." He pats Steve's shoulder, with a sad smile.

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