Part 6 - Taking All The Stupid With You

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The next couple of days are spent going over the mission again and again with Bruce and the Pyms. After a particularly long day, you trudge your way back to your hotel room, ready to just jump into bed and sleep it off.

Tomorrow was going to the be the day that you and Steve would take the stones back. Your mind was awash with a swirl of everything that had happened: coming back from dust; the great fight against Thanos; losing Tony; finding the truth out about Nat; and then Steve's fantastic news. Even Strange's words were still swirling in your head.

You sigh as you get to the corner of the corridor, hearing that an argument had broken out in one of the rooms. It was a regular occurrence, as everyone who had returned from the blip were squashed together with those who had remained the past 5 years; each person was important, but all those lives were forever changed as the millions of people returned. It was almost everyone for themselves.

You start to feel a slight trepidation as you get closer to your hotel room, realising that you're getting closer to the argument. "You're a fucking coward Steve!" You hear Bucky yell as you get to your door. "You need to tell her the truth and tell her now!"

"What does it matter to you anyway? She's coming back for you...again!" You can hear Steve yell back. Part of you knows that you should jump in and stop this before it escalates, but part of you wants to hear them both out.

"Why can't you see it?" Bucky almost laughs as he shouts. "Are you honestly so blind?"

"My eyes are wide open! Give yourself some time Buck and you'll be back to where you want to be! Right between her legs! It's the only damn thing you've ever wanted." You're shocked at Steve's callousnness, his harsh words. Even more shocked as you hear something smash. Opening the door, you find Steve and Bucky rolling around on the floor, Bucky with his metal hand wrapped around Steve's throat.

 "What the hell is wrong with you two?" You shout, but neither man hears you as they both fight for dominance. For once in your life you're glad to have the serum running through you, as you desperately try to pry the two of them apart. Bucky is the more violent of the two, but Steve doesn't try to stop, throwing heavy punches into his ribs. You finally see an opening, grabbing Bucky by his arm as he tries to punch Steve in the face. He looks at you, the red mist finally clearing in his mind.

"Belle?" He sighs, before looking down at Steve, huddled underneath him, ready to defend himself. "Shit, Steve I'm sorry!" He exclaims, pulling himself from Steve, sitting on the floor against your now overturned bed. Steve manages to pull himself into a sitting position.

"I'm sorry Buck," Steve breathes out. "I went too far, I know."

Once they've both calmed down a little, you join them, sitting cross legged on the floor too. "Either one of you want to tell me what the fuck that was all about?" But neither one of them meet your eye. Neither of them say anything. "Fine," you huff out. "I'm going for a shower and once I'm done I expect this place to be cleaned up!"

You storm into the bathroom, slamming the door shut. As soon as they're sure your out of earshot, Bucky pipes up. "Don't break her heart pal. Promise me."

"That's the last thing I wanna do Buck," Steve sighs, running a hand through his hair.


The rest of the night is spent cleaning up your hotel room, before sitting down together and reminiscing about the past again. You wake up the following morning, stomach in knots as you realise today is the day.

Steve had left early to go and see Bruce about some final checks, but Bucky had stayed over. "You ready?" You turn to see Bucky staring at you, while you're attempting, and failing, to eat something. His blue eyes full of fear and trepidation.

"As I'll ever be," You grab your jacket and make you're way to the door. "Let's go." The two of you drive slowly over to the compound, finding Bruce, Sam and Steve waiting on you.

"You sure about this?" Bruce asks you as he goes over the mission once more, but your eyes are focused on the case containing the stones sitting at his feet. The last time you had saw them they had been attached to Tony's hand as he lay dying, striking a sense of pain running through you. Fresh tears threatening as you remember helping carry him off the battlefield; Steve, Thor and Bucky helping you, honouring his sacrifice the way a soldier or a warrior would.

Following your eye, Bruce places a giant green hand on your shoulder. "I miss them too Bella," he sighs, picking up on what you're feeling. You place a hand on top of his. "I tried you know, when I had them. I tried so hard to bring her back."

"I know you loved her Bruce," You squeeze his giant green hand. "She loved you too. I'll forever be grateful to her and Tony for my life back."

"Damn girl," Sam interrupts the moment, making you laugh. It was just his style. "That suit does nothing for your ass." He laughs as you wrap him in a hug, having not had a chance to catch up with him since Steve had announced his news.

"Still better than yours Wilson," You wink at him as you pull out the hug, slapping him on the ass before heading over to Bucky and Steve. Clearly the two were in a deep conversation, you want to give them space, but are shocked by the anger strewed over Bucky's face. Clearly there were still some issues from the other night that hadn't been resolved.

Eventually the two men hug, gripping each other tightly before turning to face you. "Don't do anything stupid until I get back," Steve quips, making you smile, having heard that line between these two for years.

"How can I?" Bucky laughs before pointing over to you. "You're taking all the stupid with you!"

"Asshole," You laugh, pulling him into a tight hug, when you try to pull away he grips you a little tighter.

"I'm going to miss you Bluebell," he sighs. 

"See you in a minute Bucket," You kiss his cheek before heading back over to the podium Bruce has rigged up. Standing in the centre, nerves running through you, you watch as Steve collects the case from Bruce, before picking up Mjolnir and joining you. "Surprised Thor's letting you take that back with you."

He smiles, before tossing it quickly in the air and catching it. "I know, I'm actually going to miss it." He laughs. 

"I can't wait to see what Asgard looks like." But Steve meets your eye with silence, a concerned look on his face.

"Last chance to get out of this," He sighs, making you frustrated. You shake your head, and flip your helmet on, not having to speak to him. Turning and giving Bruce a thumbs up, your eye catches Bucky one last time. 

"See you both back here in a few seconds," Bruce shouts out. You can feel Steve's eyes on you as Bruce counts down, but you keep your eyes focused elsewhere, before you feel the pull sending you both into the Quantum Realm.


"Returning in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..." As Bruce flips more switches, nothing happens. No one returns on the transport pad.

"Where are they?" Sam calls out. "Can you get them back?"

"I'm trying..." Bruce is flustered, not understanding how neither of you had came back, working his way through every button, desperately trying to get some response. Sam's constant yelling not helping.

Despite the pain running through him, Bucky lets out a small smile, before wiping a tear from his eye. "Atta girl Bluebell." He mumbles to himself, before heading over to the lake, and taking a seat.

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