Part 11 - The Night Before

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Frigga's words echo in your mind as you land, finally feeling comfortable at each jump you make, you look around. Steve had directed you both to an alleyway underneath Stark Tower; it's dark out, but you could still make out that the streets were completely fine: untouched even. "Are we in the right place?" You ask, looking around you to confirm your suspicions. "Or time, I mean...what are you doing?" Steve is standing half naked in front of you, Captain America uniform hanging at his waist.

"Relax Belle," He half chuckles, pushing over the case the stones are sitting in towards you; you can see the hint of some clothing sticking out from underneath. "It's the night before the attack," You turn as he completely strips off, making him chuckle even more. "I don't know about you, but I could do with a rest. Get changed." His tone back to official Cap mode. "We need to find somewhere to crash for the night."

Grabbing whatever Steve has packed for you, you look around for somewhere to change. Settling on the dumpster, you sneak behind it before carefully slipping off your suit. "We have a problem here Steve," You shout out. 

"What's wrong?"

"You didn't pack a t-shirt," You sigh, feeling the cold air nip at your top half before something flies over the dumpster, landing on your head. "Thank you," You smile as you wrap the overly large hoodie around you; stopping only briefly to notice the smell of his aftershave lingering on the fabric. Pulling the hood up, you step out, Steve watches you warily as you bend to tie your shoelaces. He doesn't move when you stand, eyes just roaming over your body. "You ok?" 

Shaking his head out of his stupor he stuffs your clothes in the case, before taking a look out onto the street. "You got any ideas where we can crash around here?"

"In Manhattan?" You scoff, "I barely moved out of Brooklyn." Gazing up at Stark Tower ahead of you, an idea hits. "If it's the night before the attack then Tony's out. Pepper was gone to a conference, doubt there will be many people hanging around at this time." Contemplating it, Steve nods, before heading off.

There's two security guards at the front of the building, prompting you and Steve to head towards the service entrance. Picking up a stray stone, you hurl one at the security camera, not breaking it, simply turning it away from the entrance, giving you and Steve time to rush in before someone comes to fix it.

Trying to remember the layout of the tower, you and Steve sneak through the halls, trying to source what would eventually become your bedroom when it became Avengers Tower. Thankful that Tony had still installed bedrooms at this early stage, you pull Steve into the room just as a security guard starts to flash his light around the corner. "That was close" you whisper, looking around at the sparse walls before clocking the single bed. "Oh, that's another problem."

"I can sleep on the floor Belle, it's fine." Steve runs a hand through his hair before taking off his jeans. You can't help but swallow down the feeling of want.

"We can share the bed Steve," You sigh, taking off the hoodie. "There's no other blankets and besides..." You turn to meet his eyes locked onto you again. "OK, you're looking at me weird again, Steve what's wrong?"

Steve doesn't say a word, but takes a few steps closer to you before pulling the hoodie back over your shoulders, reminding you that you were only wearing a bra underneath. Both of you blush as you cover yourself up. "I should turn around," Steve stammers, eyes still roaming over you while you desperately try to look anywhere else but at him; his breathing laboured as he stands in front of you.

"You should," You swallow hard, feeling the heat rise into your cheeks, catching your bottom lip in your teeth with nerves. But he doesn't. Sensing the tension rippling through his body, you dare to take a small look at him, and see a version of Steve you had never seen before. His eyes are darkened while they stare longingly; you can see the restraint building in him as he balls his hands into fists. "Steve?" 

"Do you still love Bucky?" He asks, voice filled with doubt, cracking slightly.

"Why are you.."

"Just answer the question Belle." He closes his eyes, before taking a step back, clearly agitated. "Please?" His tone becomes softer. 

"Not like I love you," You wish you could say to him, but fear of rejection gets in the way. "Not like I used to." You admit, taking a deep breath. "Why?" Giving a small nod, he lowers his head, taking a deep breath, not answering your question. "Steve, what is going on?" You gently press a hand to his arm, making him jump before opening his eyes and looking down at you.

"Screw it," He mutters before crashing his lips onto yours, hands placed firmly at either side of your face. After the initial shock you ease into it, your hands find his waist, gripping at the tshirt while his start to run through your hair. Pulling back to catch his breath, you look up at him, complete desire mixed with worry etched on both of your faces. "I've wanted to do that for years," He admits, gently placing the softest kiss to your lips. 

"Then why didn't you?" You ask, trying your hardest to stop your heavy breathing, mimicking him by kissing his bottom lip. Steve's hands move and grip your waist as yours move up to his hair, swapping your positions. Boldly you press your body into him, feeling his length pressed against you, hands gripping his hair, waiting for an answer. 

"Buc.." He starts, breath hitching as he looks down and sees the hoodie falling from your shoulders again; the fact that you're pressed up against him gives him an striking view of your cleavage, enticing him even more. "Are you sure you want this Belle?" He meets your eyes, staring deeply into them looking for any sign of hesitation. "Are you sure you want me?" Moving his hands onto your lower back, pulling you closer, you can't help but let out a little moan. The serum running through you both just enhancing every sensation.

Clenching your thighs together, you bite your lip as you take off the hoodie, throwing it completely on the floor; Steve's hands still on your back you place yours on his shoulders, slowly running them down his chest before reaching up and kissing him, catching his bottom lip ever so tenderly between your teeth. "I want you," Your voice is just a whisper, full of want and nerves. Steve pushes you back towards the bed, hands moving to your ass before he lifts you, letting you wrap your legs around his waist. 

Almost forgetting his strength he slams you down onto the bed; hearing a large crack you forget about it when his lips find yours again, his hands fumbling with the button on your jeans. Despite being exactly where you wanted to be, in Steve's arms, your mind drifts; images of the day start to swirl. First you see Nat's broken body at the bottom of the cliff, Thor's broken shell  in Asgard; but the worst one is Peggy. Visions of Steve and Peggy embraced as you are now send clouds of doubt and disgust raging through you. "What's wrong?" Steve, noticing the change in your body, pulls away.

"I'm sorry Steve, but I can't do this." You turn your head away, not able to look at him; the picture of him and Peggy still circling your brain, even though he's still pressed against you. Sliding off of you and laying on his side, the guilt builds up in your chest. Worried about what it must look like after what Steve had asked about Bucky, you turn and bury your head into his chest; he was still your best friend after all. "It's not that I don't want to," You sigh, feeling the tears pull at your eyes when you catch the look of disappointment on his face. "It's just all a bit too much, after today." You take a deep breath. "Seeing Nat and..." You completely break down.

Still not saying a word, Steve finally wraps an arm around you, before adjusting himself so that he can pull the blanket over you both. "I know," He lets a few tears drop himself; partly for the same reason, his guilt over Nat still hanging over him; unable to stop himself from also thinking this was about Bucky. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." You press a kiss to his chest, trying to assure him that you DO want him; but the thoughts in your head just won't let you. He pulls you closer, resting his head onto yours. "Maybe once we get all the stones back. When we're done with this nightmare, we can go home and..."

"Yeah," He interrupts you with a sigh; doubt creeping heavily in his mind. "You're right." Kissing your head, feeling like he'll never get another moment like this with you again, another tear falls. "Get some sleep Belle." 

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