Part 24 - We Were Good People

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The early morning sun seemed to heat the city up quickly; both you and Steve were exhausted trying to sneak around the back streets of Brooklyn. After a few close encounters you make it to your destination. "Bucky's place?" Steve asks as you sneak around the back. "What about his parents?"

"It's empty. His sisters were upset about him leaving, so the family decided to go visit the Expo." You smile at the memory of Bucky's parents asking you to bring Steve over for dinner. The last time you had saw them was shortly after the war had ended; trying desperately to console them, as well as yourself, after Bucky and Steve were gone. "Besides, we're only stopping off for something."

With Steve's help you manage to quickly shuffle into Bucky's open bedroom window. Quickly you search around, desperately trying not to let the memories flood you. "What are we looking for?" Steve whispers, making you jump slightly.

"My hair pin," You look around the room, not whispering knowing that there was no-one here to hear you. "I left it here that night, and I never got it back."

"The one my mum gave you?"

"Yeah," You smile as you find it, sitting delicately on a shelf; it laying amongst the various books Bucky had collected. "When they cleared his room after he...Rebecca thought it was rubbish and threw it away. I was so mad. Said some things I shouldn't have." Running your hand along the simple pearl design. It wasn't real pearls, the Rogers family didn't have enough money for that, but Sarah Rogers had loved it and had told you how it had been handed down to every girl in her family for generations. Having never had a daughter, you had been the closest thing and she had given it to you on your 21st birthday.

"I seem to have forgotten so many little details," Steve sighs, taking it out of your hand to look at it. "Once I got to Lehigh, and the serum it just all seemed to disappear."

"That's ok Steve..."

"No, it isn't." He cups your face, kissing you tenderly, making you wrap your arms around him. "I became so focused on being Captain America I forgot about all the people, all the things that made up Steve Rogers."

"But we didn't forget you." You kiss him back, as he slides his hand up to your hair; you have to help him but he tries to place the pin in your hair. Once again that look of want and need fills his eyes, almost distracting you from the fact you're standing in Bucky's old bedroom. "Sorry Cap. Breaking my bed was bad enough, I don't think we should risk Bucket's do you?"

"I'm sure you tried," At first you think he's mad, but the smile that etches over his face makes you laugh, shoving him slightly. He looks around the room, laughing about the memories he had of this house. "You think I would get away with taking some more of his clothes?"

"Just don't take everything," You laugh, grabbing a couple of books from his shelf before heading to the window. "We gotta get moving, the trains for upstate will be leaving soon; gotta take the chance to get there without people recognising you."

"Why are we headed upstate?"

"We need somewhere to lay low until we can think of a proper plan."


The train wasn't too bad; in the hustle and bustle that was 1943 you and Steve managed to become invisible. As soon as you get off at the last stop, you head away from the city, into the woods that one day would become the Avengers compound.

"I still don't understand Belle," Steve huffs behind you, lugging one large suitcase. You march on ahead. "There's nothing here. Howard and Tony had nothing here until..."

"The Starks didn't. Maria did." You finally stop, taking a step to the side to let Steve see your destination. A small wooden cabin rests in the middle of nowhere, extremely similar to the one Tony had built for Pepper after the snap.

Quickly grabbing your arm, Steve is still confused. "But won't her family be there. We'll be..."

"Fine. We'll be fine Steve." You reassure him before heading up. "Maria's father was drafted. He made her and her mother evacuate New York while he was gone." You feel a pang of sympathy and pain hit you as you remember Maria telling you her story. "He died in France. They never came back here."

Easily picking the lock, you and Steve walk in. Even with the running water, basic electricity, and small living space, it's enough. "I wish I'd gotten to know her. She must have some kind of woman to tie Howard down." Steve laughs, taking in the surroundings.

"She was." You smile. "You'd have liked her Steve." Trying your hardest not to, you can't help but think about her death. How it had been Bucky that had ended it for her, your only female friend until you had met Nat. Nat. The thought of her body lying on the ground of Vormir sends you convulsing into sobs, almost collapsing onto the floor.

Steve grabs you before you fall completely, wrapping you tightly in his arms and just letting you ride the waves of your agony. He pulls your head into his chest, running a hand up and down your back in comfort. "I know Belle," he mews, letting a few tears fall from his own eyes.

"Why did we have to lose so much Steve?" You manage to get out in between sobs. "We were good people, we never hurt anyone..." But Steve doesn't respond; his own guilt about the past making it hard for him to continue comforting you.

Eventually he moves you, pulling you up to sit in an armchair while he moves to the fireplace. "Tell me more about Maria," He smiles at you as he tries to start a fire, trying to make you think about the happier memories rather than dwelling on the pain. "How did you two meet?"

Wiping your face, you do smile at the memory. "By accident." You curl yourself up into the chair, trying to get some warmth into you while Steve still tinkers on with the fire. "I had snuck out of Lehigh, made my way to the city to see Howard. I managed to sneak in through his bedroom window..."

"Uh oh," Steve chuckles, finally managing to get some embers glowing, before the flames take hold. "What is it with you and bedroom windows?" He laughs before coming over to you. Despite his size, and the small chair, he manages to find a way to fit in, pulling you onto his lap and wrapping his arms around you.

"Anyway," You laugh, leaning your head against his chest, snuggling into him. Something you had always done in the past, but now, now it was different. Good different. "As I climbed through the window, there she was...butt naked. Screaming at the sight of me." You can't help but laugh. "Howard thinking it was someone breaking in, almost broke his neck trying to get out of bed to fight me."

You and Steve spend the night like that, remembering all the good times. Laughing and joking about all the stories you hadn't told each other, but most of all, just relishing that you had each other; both of you almost forgetting about the pain of those you had lost and those you'd left behind.

Ever Afterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें