Encounter with the cat (Flash/Catwoman)

Start from the beginning


Post-Crisis Earth was new to Barry, there were new enemies, new friends, new allies. 

And new experiences...

As Barry patrolled Central City, he got a ping from a local bank close to STAR Labs.

"Burglary at 24th and Auburn, no night guard, just alarms," Cisco informed him.

"On it," Barry told him.

He sped over to the scene. Barry found the vault empty of its jewels, but the money was untouched. 

"Cisco, they got away," Barry told him.

Suddenly a shadow passed over the skylight, and Barry looked up to see a black figure jump across it. Barry sped up to the roof where he faced down the black figure before it jumped across to the next building. 

"Hey, why don't you put those jewels down, and prepare for a nice permanent vacation in Iron Heights?" Barry asked the shadow.

"Is that how you really treat all your criminals?" A feminine voice asked.

Barry's lips curled into a smile.

"Listen, I can put you in the women's wing at Iron Heights too, justice is for everyone, regardless of gender."

"What a rude way to treat a guest," The woman told him with playful disdain.

"I'm sorry, but, who are you?" Barry asked.

The figure stepped into the lights emitting from down below, the moonlight cast a nice light over her body. She was in a black catsuit with a mask and cat ears. Barry rolled his eyes, his heart betraying his annoyance as it was beating fast at seeing a woman in such a nice costume.

"What's with the cat get-up? Is it Halloween already?" Barry quipped. 

The woman chuckled, she untangled her whip from her shoulder.

"I could ask you the same thing, prancing around in a red spandex suit like a circus animal," The bit out.

Barry raised his hands up.

"Woah, I meant no disrespect."

The woman smiled.

"I like you, you're much nicer than the Bat."

Barry's eyes widened.

"Like, Batman? You know Batman?!" Barry asked with childish wonder.

The Cat chuckled once again.

"Yeah, I'm Catwoman, I'm from Gotham."

"What are you doing here in Central City? There's no room for a kitten who likes the dark, here it's all sunshine and rainbows."

"Well, I thought I would try my luck here, see if the resident speedster is kind enough to let me pass."

"Sorry, but I can't let you leave with the jewels, hand them over, and I'll think twice about turning you in."

Barry knew he shouldn't have let his guard down, as soon as he extended his hand the whip snapped around it, Barry was hurled across with surprising force to the ground, Catwoman when jumped on top of him and cuffed him instantly. Barry gasped in surprise.

"Where the hell did you get these?!" Barry asked.

"Snuck into CCPD ahead of time, a Cat always needs to be ready to jump," Catwoman murmured. 

"What do you want from me?" Barry murmured.

Catwoman eyed his lips and then her gaze bore into his eyes.

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