Minerva: But why him? Why him out of every newborn that's ever existed?

Yugen: <grinning> Why, indeed? Maybe he was just unlucky.

Minerva: You're sick! How could you experiment on a baby? You killed his parents the day he was released from the hospital! He never knew them!!

Yugen: They are no longer his parents after what I'm turning him into. He has another parents waiting for him.

Minerva: What does that mean? Why are you giving him those powers?

Yugen: This is all for something you can't even begin to comprehend. There's no reason to explain it to you.

Minerva: <growling> Then at least give me the answer to the timeline of what's happened! How many times have you done this to him?

Yugen: <sighs> Oh, all right. I guess it couldn't hurt to tell you a few things and leave you in suspense about what's coming next.

She motioned toward the tube with (Y/N) in it. Minerva gasped and tried to run towards it, but her minions held her down.

Yugen: I took (Y/N) as a newborn baby from Kusagakure and brought him here. There, I gave him the first dosage of the experimentation. It was that dosage that turned his hair the color white. After about a year or so, I had him dropped off at Konohagakure, as my accomplice had his eyes on that village and I wanted our projects to be close together. He was found by a childless Uchiha couple who took him in as their own. However, the experiment wasn't done and I need him back after a few years. Luck was on my side when the Uchiha Clan Massacre happened, and (Y/N) was injured there and thought to be dead. I used this opportunity to give him the second dosage. This one had a unique side effect: the foreign substance I injected into him had a weird reaction with his cells, which produced that Copy Jutsu he has.

Minerva: So that explains it...

Yugen: After that, he was placed in the forest at the age of 9 under the watchful eye of my minions, in the hopes that he would be discovered by someone. In an amazing stroke of luck or destiny, call it what you will, he was found by Shinobi of Konohagakure, who brought him back to the village. And now he's being given the third dosage as we speak.

Minerva: Will he— Willl he not remember anything?

Yugen: I must say it's adorable how much you care for him. You needn't worry. I purposely had his memories erased of his time in the Uchiha Clan, but this time, I will not do that. He will be returning to the Leaf Village with you.

Minerva: Huh? Are you joking? There's no way you're letting me leave here alive with all of this information.

Yugen: On the contrary, I want you to have it. It'll be fun to see the village wrap their heads about a revelation this shocking. And besides, you'll never find this lair no matter how hard you try. There's also something off about that village, especially his two friends Naruto and Sasuke. My accomplice has his eye on them, and it'll be interesting to see how things proceed from here on out.

Minerva: You'll never get away with this. (Y/N) will not blindly follow you and whatever you have planned!

Yugen: <laughs> Oh, you naïve child. Remember, I can erase his memories. He can essentially be raised here, but I have him released into the world in order for his power to nurture and grow. A life of a Shinobi is a dangerous one, and the more dangerous it is, the more powerful he'll become. Plus, his emotional connection to you all is a powerful thing. He'll unlock his true potential in no time. Take her away.

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