𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓸

Start from the beginning

Bending a bit over the frame, Classic let his hand linger in one of the wounds. He shifted it, feeling the way the black goop seemed more like a slime. It left him pulling his finger away as some stayed attached to the white of his bones. He'd have explored more if not for the faint knocking below. It left a long sigh to fall from his mouth as he rose, leaving the tied up stranger as he bounded down the stairs.

One long conversation later and he was back upstairs, his hands pushing his door open as his gaze lingered to the frame of the stranger. Or where the stranger should have been. Instead, he found himself staring at rope that had been destroyed. It left a bit of panic as Classic stepped a bit further in, jumping as the door slammed behind him. His body spun, gaze falling to a looming figure over him, those turquoise eyes staring into his soul. Or so it seemed, anyway. "What did you say to them?"

"Huh?" Classic widened his features, a bit confused at the question. Granted, it only earned him a layer of fear when he was brushed roughly into the door, held to the wood tightly from a tentacle of sorts. It made him gasp slightly at the pain, that same rough voice reaching him through the veil panic that was ensnaring his mind.

"What did you say to the police? Did you tell them I'm here?" Classic shook his head, feeling how his ribs were strained as he was pressed further into the wood. It shocked Classic the wood hadn't splintered, truthfully.

"I- I didn't say anything... I sent them a-away... I p-promise." The figure seemed to huff, his tentacle receding as Classic slid down the door, his bottom hitting the floorboards as he pressed his hand to his chest.

"Good. Keep it that way and I won't have to kill you. Got it?" Once more, Classic nodded. He avoided eyesight, leaving the figure to groan loudly as the sound of the mattress squeaking filled the space. Along with that rough voice that was beyond calm. It was more bitter and cold than a harsh winter. "Just to let you know, these were rather useless... Uh, what's your name?"

"Why should I tell you?" Sometimes Classic wondered if he desired death. Especially when he speaks with an attitude in a severe situation.

"Excuse me? I'd suggest watching your tone, if you value your life, that is." That left Classic to honestly ponder it, but he brushed it aside before he leaned his head along the door, his voice low, but audible.

"Classic. You really have a way with people, don't you?" The stranger huffed, rolling his pinpricks before he let another tentacle hit just beside Classic. It left him eyeing it with caution as the wood seemed to crack from the impact.

"You don't have to worry about my way with others. Stay good and obey orders; that way I don't have to treat you with my usual intentions. At this point, you're my hostage." Classic frowned, glancing to a few smaller objects beside him. He honestly wanted to make a break for it, but the stranger seemed to understand that; hence why he held the door.

"What would you even need a hostage for in the first place?"

"Incase the police show back up. If they arrive here, your life will be on them." Classic flattened his features, shifting his arms slowly toward the sharp object. It truthfully made him happy he hoarded things.

"Technically, my life would be on you. You're keeping it in your hands in the end." Those turquoise pinpricks seemed to shift toward the window as a single siren blared for a single moment. But that was more than enough. It left Classic grabbing the object, his hand lodging it into the tentacle. It left a roar of pain as it receded, leaving Classic to rise and tug the door open. He made it a single step into the hall before he felt something grab his throat, jerking him back. His body hit the ground roughly, a harsh laughter filling the space as he was dragged a bit back.

"You've got some nerve!" Classic ground his teeth, bringing the second sharp object into the tentacle; deep. It left him to be released, leaving Classic to reach for a chair by his desk. He grabbed it roughly before swinging it behind him, hearing it break upon impact as he chose this chance to flee. He normally kept his teleportation as a secret, but this was most definitely his final chance to escape. He valued his life, more than his energy that was already low to begin with.

His gaze shifted to the figure, who wore an aggression plain as day. A tentacle rose before shooting out, leaving Classic to let a faint blue glow crest his body. He couldn't help but grin, feeling his nerves on edge as his scenery seemed to morph into something else. Where once his room sat, he found himself in the harsh rain beyond, in a dark area that he didn't recognize. Yet, he couldn't seem to care as his legs buckled, his back hitting the wall behind him as he slid to the ground, a puddle of water soaking his shoes as he rested his head along his knees. In the end, he couldn't help but laugh. Not with amusement. No. It was a nervous laugh, one that left him to speak his mind. Speak his concerns to no one beyond himself, left in a silence of the eve and soaked to the very marrow of his being. "I'm so boned..."

Humerous Temptations - DarkHumor (Nightmare x Classic)Where stories live. Discover now