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Sword training was the same for Sumi and Lei. Enishi was relentless, but neither boy nor woman gave up. Lei turned out to be naturally skilled with using a sword. He reminded Enishi of his ex-brother-inlaw, due to his speed and agility. Lei he gave a Japanese sword to use. Sumi had her own style and suited the shorter Chinese sword. At first she was given one sword, then he had her learn to use two. The Japanese sword was stronger due to how it was forged and the metal used. The Chinese swords were lighter and double edged. Since Sumi had been training Lei how to fight with hand to hand combat, what he lacked in experience, he made up for with natural ability and his youthful stamina.

During a break Lei asked, "when Lan is older, will you teach her how to protect herself Sumi?"

"Of course. I'll teach her everything I know. Hopefully neither of you will ever need to use these skills, but it's better to be prepared."

"Thank you.... Have you ever seen the Boss use a sword?"

"Not in a real battle. I've seen him win with just using his hands. Enishi is elite. No one will ever be like him."

"Like a God." Lei said reverently.

Sumi thought about how she often called her husband that and had to smother a laugh. "Yes that's a good way to describe his abilities."

Changing the topic Lei shared, "Black Devil lets me brush him and clean his hooves. Today can I try sitting on him?"

"Yes. Just remember he's different from Pearl, definitely more dangerous if you anger him. Ask him, don't force him."

"I know. I respect him, but I'm not scared."

"That's good because animals can smell fear. He will test you, so don't be surprised if you get bucked off."

"Can I strap pillows to my front and back?"

She laughed. "I think that would restrict your movement too much. If you can't jump off, then try to roll."

"I'll give him a carrot first and if he's nice an apple afterwards."

"Bribery works too."

"He better be nice, I brush him and clean his poop all the time." Lei grinned, knowing how silly his words were.

"If you're not sore from training, after lunch we'll work with the horses. Enishi will be busy with business."

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Lei went flying through the air, landing in the dirt with a thud. Black Devil had bucked him off, but turned and nuzzled the boy's hair. Lei got up a little slower than last time.

"I think Enishi needs to place you on Black Devil, for the horse to allow you in his saddle," Sumi observed.

"Is the Boss at the docks?"

"Yeah, you can ride behind me on Pearl, I'll lead Black Devil."

They left, with the black stallion in tow. It didn't take them long to arrive on the docks. Enishi came to greet them. "No luck staying on him?"

"I think you have to put Lei into the saddle, so Black Devil knows you allow it."

Enishi took his horse's reins from Sumi. "Come here Lei."

The mafia boss picked up the boy and held him in front of the stallion, then walked around to the side. The horse turned his majestic head to watch. Enishi put him in the saddle. Black Devil began to prance and shake his head. "STAND!" The horse became still.

"He's letting me!" Lei said softly in surprise.

"Dismount and now get on him without Enishi putting you there." Sumi directed, while still on top of Pearl.

Lei hopped down and while talking in low tones to the stallion, used a wine barrel to get back on. Black Devil swung his head to look at the kid on his back. He snorted, but didn't buck.

"Make him go forward," Enishi said and moved aside.

Pearl suddenly reared and then came down on the dock. Her ears pricked forward and she whinnied.

"What's that all about?" Sumi wondered.

"New load of horses from a German ship are being penned in the stock yards," Bolin called over from the far side of the dock.

"What breeds?"

Enishi answered his wife, "Andalusian, Arabs, cross of both and a few mules. Government and police mounts."

"Can we buy any of them?"

"Sure." Enishi swung up behind Lei and took the reins from him. "Follow me."

They rode further down towards the ships, then to the stock yard. As they got closer, Black Devil arched his neck and tail, prancing. Sumi thought he looked beautiful. The stallion calmed, when Enishi put his hand on its neck. It was Pearl who came to stand nose to nose with two geldings. Black Devil ignored them.

"We should buy those two geldings. Pearl's picks."

Enishi signalled to his crew to isolate the selected horses. "Any other ones?"

"Those two mules that Black Devil is sniffing. His ears are forward."

Pearl pushed her way past the stallion and called to a tall dappled grey horse. Black Devil's ears pricked so far forward, it almost looked comical.

"That mare is pregnant. She's carrying a cross, but is a purebred Andalusian herself. Expensive horse," a man sitting on the horse pen fence said in English, which Enishi translated.

"We should take her too," Sumi announced.

"What my wife wants, she gets." Enishi said, then signalled Bolin to bring the horses forward. He dismounted and checked the horses' legs and feet. "That mare is taller than Black Devil."

They haggled over price, until Enishi was satisfied. The new animals were tied to each other's lead lines, in a row, with Sumi holding the pregnant mare's lead at the head of the line. She had Lei ride Black Devil beside Pearl, so people gave their little parade wide space.

Before they left, Sumi asked, "will you be late tonight?"

"No. I'll be home for dinner," Enishi answered.

Sumi leaned over in her saddle and kissed him. "See you later." She tapped a heal to Pearl's side and they moved off.

It took them a while to travel through the street with the horses and mules in tow. When they got closer, Lei went ahead to tell the stable hands to get ready to receive more animals. Then he rode back and joined the line at the back. Black Devil remained well behaved.

Sumi dismounted and gave her reins to Pan Cheng. "Take care of Pearl for me."

"Right away!"

"What do you think Lei, has this afternoon been successful?"

"Hell yes, I can't believe he's letting me stay on his back!"

"Those geldings will be yours and Lan's." Sumi advised. "You two will be solely responsible for them, understood?"

"Really? Thank you so much."

The two mules and three new horses, including the unborn foal, were for when Enishi and Sumi left Shanghai for good. She needed to find out how far along the mare was. The mare looked about to burst, but the stable manager would know best.

"Ma'am these are fine horses you've brought."

"Pearl and Black Devil picked them out.  When do you think the mare will give birth?"

The stable manager ran his hands over the horse. "Maybe in two weeks. Soon for sure."

"Excellent, thank you." She gave him a nod and went towards the house.  

ENISHI'S Aftermath:  SOMETHING TO LIVE FORΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα