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It was just outside of Odawara, that Sumi rode up beside Enishi. "Why didn't you just ditch me when I ate the poisoned fish?"

"My sister told me not to."

His answer didn't satisfy her, because he'd already told her that his sister was dead. But not wanting him to be annoyed with her, she left it alone.

"What's your story?" He asked, glancing at her.

"When I was twelve my father sold me to a brothel. I escaped, was caught and beaten and escaped again. I ran away and have been hunted ever since."

"You have a lot of scars."

"So do you."

Life had been hard for both of them when they were younger, that was obvious. He asked, "do you want revenge?"

"I don't know where I'd start. I want to live in peace, I'm tired of running away."

"After Tokyo, we'll go to Toyama."

"Why? There's nothing there."

"To get your freedom."

No one had ever said that to her, yet this man who barely knew her, was telling her what the future could be. She didn't know what to say and so remained silent. That's how they rode into Odawara.

"We'll eat and then head to Tokyo." Enishi announced. "No one there should be looking to kill me."

"But you're still a wanted man, caution is wise."

Tying up the horses to the rail outside the restaurant, they went in together. He chose where they'd be seated and then they were served nabemono. Both ate a lot, thankful to have a hot meal. He ate three times as much as she did, but then he was taller and more muscular than her, thus needing more fuel.

Sumi sighed with satisfaction and gave him a smile. "Thank you."

"I owed you a good meal."

"Will we be staying long in Tokyo?"

Enishi shrugged, "a few days at least, while I tie up some loose ends. I'll get you a hotel room."

"I sleep where you sleep."

He raised an eyebrow and saw her blush. Teasing a girl, was something he'd only done with Tomoe, so he didn't press Sumi about her answer. If she chose to follow him everywhere, then so be it.

She clarified, "it will be dangerous for you in Tokyo."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**

The horse that Sumi was riding suddenly stopped. Enishi noticed and glanced back, seeing that the mare was in a stance to pee. Knowing that they'd catch up, he continued riding around the bend in the road. When the horse suddenly came thundering past him without her on it, he chose to go after the mare first. He caught up and grabbed the mare's bridle, immediately slowing it down. Securing the reins to his own saddle, Enishi backtracked to see what had happened. Instinct warned him to dismount and tie up the horses in the trees, even before he heard the gunshot.

Around the bend, back on the road, the men who were hunting Sumi had captured her. There was a noose like rope around her neck and they were choking the air out of her. Still she charged the closest horse to her, trying to get it to spook. But having run into her before, they were expecting that. The man on the horse used a bullwhip to keep her back. The rope tightened and she struggled even harder.

What no-one expected, including her, was Enishi coming to the rescue. He punched one horse in the head, knocking it out and trapping the rider under its unconscious body. His speed and agility came in handy as he pulled two men out of their saddles, one he choked with his arms, the other with his legs. It was so quick, that he was up and after the man holding her rope, before anyone could see him. Pulling on the rope, Enishi unhorsed the man and slammed a knee into his face. The man lay unmoving on the ground. Looking back, he saw that Sumi was out cold too. Loosening the noose, he took the rope off. Then he removed the saddles and bridles of the horses still standing around. The bull whip he cracked over their heads and the horses bolted. Since Sumi was still unconscious, he picked her up like a sack of rice and put her over his shoulder. Instead of tying her to the mare, he mounted his horse and sat her in front of him across his lap.

A while later she woke up, to find herself leaning against a rock hard body. Enishi warned her. "If you struggle, you'll land on your face."

Since his hands weren't touching her and it was her against him, she didn't freak out. "I can ride on my own now."

Stopping his horse, she got down and mounted the mare. He handed her the reins. "Are those the men hunting you?"


"You don't have to worry about them while in Tokyo."

She guessed he meant because of him. "Thanks."  

ENISHI'S Aftermath:  SOMETHING TO LIVE FORWhere stories live. Discover now