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[Mature Content]

In the morning, Enishi's lower body woke up first, but only because Sumi was licking him into attention. He definitely enjoyed the wake-up method, but instead of just letting her do what she wanted, he picked her up and turned her around. The position she was in now, allowed her to continue playing with him and let him pleasure her at the same time, with his own mouth and hands. When Sumi paused what she was doing, because of Enishi's mouth and fingers, he didn't mind. Her spasm was just as intense as yesterday, but as expected, she recovered quickly and went back to work on him. He came fast and she rolled off of him, when he finished.

"Good morning husband," she said cheekily.

He smirked and lightly spanked her bottom. "Frisky this morning?"

"I always feel like this, when around you." Sumi admitted, almost shyly.

"You were good at hiding it then." There was a knock at their bedroom door. "What?" Enishi was annoyed with the interruption.

"Trouble in port. The Port Master asked if you could come."

Sumi answered, "we'll be there shortly." She kissed Enishi's scowl away and then got up to dress in her fighting gear.

He got up too, dressed and then gave her a leather wrapped package. "Your wedding gift."

With a smile, she removed the tie and unrolled the leather to reveal two slightly curved daggers. They were engraved with his and her names.

"Does this mean that together we are unbeatable and even as individuals we are deadly?"

Enishi smirked, "maybe. They are extremely sharp, so keep them sheathed until needed."

"I love them, thank you!" She kissed him deeply and promised, "I'll show you later how much I appreciate you."

He left first, to have his men ready their horses. When he returned, they had black tea with their breakfast.

"Boss, the horses are waiting. That kid is here too."

Sumi went outside, "good morning Lei."

Lei bowed and explained why he was there. "Two wharf crews are battling over some cargo. Hu started it. Word has it that he wants to use that cargo to challenge the Boss."

Enishi heard the last of the information. To the doorman, he said, "have Feng give the kid food. Send someone to bring Bolin back." He swung up into the saddle of the black horse.

Sumi gave the kid some coins. She mounted the white mare and tapped her heals into the side of the horse, chasing after the stallion that was cantering in front of her. In their haste to get to the brawling, they had their horses leap over any obstacles in their way. Both riders were impressed with their horses' agility and speed. In no time they were thundering up the dock to the fight. Enishi sprang off the stallion as he reined it to a stop, running straight into the fighting. He had unstoppable momentum and in a fluid slide, two men went down with their knees blown out. In the same instant he was smashing his fist into one man's nose, then the ricochet of his elbow off another man's head, set up his fist to slam into the ear of the next man. In his wake he left unconscious men from both gangs. Enishi was angry, but not enraged. The glint in his eyes however did scared anyone who made eye contact.  It wasn't long for him to get to the heart of the fight.

After making sure the horses were looked after, Sumi chose one target, which was the man named Hu. Just as her husband closed in on the main fighters, she got one knife on Hu and the other on a bigger man. "Die or stop, your choice."

Hu became very still, while the bigger man threw a punch at Sumi. She dodged it easily, but Enishi had seen and unleashed his wrath. Once Sumi finally stopped Enishi, the big man's brains had become a permanent stain on the splintered dock wood.

She turned to Hu, "explain."

He'd dealt in the past with Enishi's anger, but never his rage. Those gathered could almost smell Hu's fear. When the Boss got extremely quiet and cold, that was when he was most dangerous. Hu explained what happened, lying here and there to make his involvement seem less.

Sumi put one blade by Hu's groin and the other nicked his neck, blood started to seep out. "Stop lying. Last chance," she hissed in his ear.

Those surrounding him, couldn't hear what she said, but backed away to give them plenty of space. "I swear that's what happened."

"A little bird told me that you want what Enishi has. No one gets anything, unless he says so."

Feeling like he was about to die, Hu lost his cool and tried to stab Sumi. She slipped under the knife, and her new blades tasted first blood, as he was decapitated. One of Hu's crew came at her, she used his face as a spring board and Sumi landed in a fighting stance as his body fell to the dock. She was hyperaware while scanning the crowd for the next threat, slowly turning on light feet, blades held slightly in front of her. Sumi's eyes moved back and forth, like a cornered tiger.  Enishi capped his rage and approached his wife slowly, recognizing the animalistic behaviour from when she was on the run.  Her darting eyes connected to his and she instantly relaxed.

"Boss, about the shipment of weapons...?" The shipping manifest was handed to Enishi, with a trembling hand.

"It's going to Jiro in Japan." He replied, while wiping his bloodied knuckles on a rag handed to him.

Sumi nudged Hu's body with a toe, "someone clean this up and the big guy too." She went to her husband's side and he patted her on the head. 

ENISHI'S Aftermath:  SOMETHING TO LIVE FORWhere stories live. Discover now