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For the next three days, they only went out together to get food. He left sometimes at night, to meet with Jiro, who seemed to remain loyal. Enishi told Jiro that he was going back to Shanghai to tell everyone that Jiro was the new boss. It was a lie, but enough to keep the man from trying to kill him.

Enishi knew Sumi didn't want to stay much longer, because they'd seen her hunters in Tokyo, while getting food the other day. Her nightmares were getting worse and the lack of sleep was showing with shadows under the eyes. He went to see the leather worker and was told the vests would be ready later that evening.

Returning to the room, he saw her watching the street. "We leave tonight."

"Should I get food that travels well?"

"We'll go together, before getting the horses. The vests I had made for us, will be ready then too."


"They have metal plates layered with silk threads, between the leather. It can stop a lead bullet, just not ones from rapid-firing guns or multiple-barrel firearms. No sword can pierce through it either."

"An original design?"

He shrugged and then added, "take the bed and sleep a little. I'll keep watch from your chair, so it's safe."

Sumi obeyed, without protest. Not believing that a nap would happen, she laid down on the bed. It was softer than expected and her eyes closed. Maybe this time her mind had actually believed him, because the nightmare didn't come until hours later.

Sitting up in the bed, she asked, "is it time to go?"

"Yeah.... I noticed more police on the street today."

Nodding to show she had heard him, they left the room together. Once out on the street, they walked out in the open, the hooded cloaks hiding their identity. They had just finished purchasing food from market stalls, when a policeman recognized Enishi. The man was able to blow his whistle, then Sumi choked him unconscious. But before they could escape, the police began to shoot at them. Without even worrying that she might die, Sumi pushed Enishi out of the way and down an alley, as a bullet ripped into the muscle of her left thigh. It slowed her, and blood ran down the leg, but she still was able to get away. Clutter in the streets from the merchants, hindered the police, but helped Sumi. She knew not where Enishi had gone, but was able to get up on to the roof across from the stable that had their horses. The police scattered to cover more area.

Enishi made it unharmed and undetected into the leather worker's shop. Immediately he put on his vest. Paying for sanctuary, the leather man hid him from the police. He'd wait until it got darker, before trying to get to the horses. Enishi sent a request to Jiro, to have his men wear black hooded cloaks and distract the police. Taking a chance, he made his way from the shop to the horses.

"Sumi?" Enishi asked the darkness in the stable.

"I'm here," she came from the street.

"You got hit," he observed.

"I'm fine, let's get out of here first. The man who hunts me has more guys with him now too."

Enishi could see the wound. He offered a hand to get into the saddle and she ignored it. He ordered, "put on your vest, under the cloak."

They rode out of Tokyo at a trot and then put their heals to the horses' flanks. They galloped until Tokyo was just a speck behind them. Enishi reined in the gelding, so he could see her wound.

"Did it go out the other side?"


"Between here and Takasaki, there are some abandoned huts, where we can hide out, until late tonight."

ENISHI'S Aftermath:  SOMETHING TO LIVE FORWhere stories live. Discover now