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Half an hour into this thick jungle, I already knew I wasn't making it out, plus I was pretty sure I had gotten lost until a naked Dante had shown up to bring me back. I followed him obediently because what use was it fighting with him?

I walked slowly, knowing I was slowing down his pace but I couldn't help it, my wounds were really hurting badly. I had hit my side against a tree trunk earlier and felt pain explode in that area but I would be damned before allowing him to carry me up to their packhouse like a damsel in distress.

It was bad enough that my escape mission had been unsuccessful.

I kept my eyes down, avoiding stepping on sharp rocks or objects to avoid further subjecting myself to much more pain. The oversize gown wasn't making things any easier for me but no way was I stripping in front of Dante.

"Your sister is very nice to me," I said after a few moments of walking in silence. I thought about the athletic Ashley that had taken up the task of cooking all my favorites after she had made me tell her about them. I really liked her.

"She likes you a lot," Dante replied softly from behind me. He always spoke to me that way, tenderly like he was caring for an egg.

"Tell her I appreciate it. Not a lot of people have been nice to me --" I was saying when I felt my feet enter deep into the moist soil, hitting a very big rock and I lost my balance, falling face forward when I felt his strong arms catch me and steady me.

So much for not trying to make a fool of yourself.

I held onto his bare arms feeling the muscles pulsing under my palms. He smelt so manly and clean, like fresh peppermint. I looked up into his icy blue eyes, meeting the fierce protection radiating from them and gulped uneasily.

My mate.

"Leave me alone," I heard myself say, without dropping my grip on his big, strong arms. "Please."

"I'll carry you." He then proceeded to lift me up like I weighed nothing, bridal style with my right arm slung across his neck. "I really hope you didn't break your ankle, little one."

I looked up at his pale, sculpted face, he honestly resembled a fallen Roman god with such beauty, his dark brown hair fell across his face tousled by constant touching, I guessed. His hotness was just registering in my brain due to our proximity. I felt myself heat up involuntarily.

He was my captor! I shouldn't be thinking about how hot he was.

"Daphne," he called quietly. If he was inconvenienced by my weight, he didn't show it as he continued to carry me like I was nothing. "Why are you blushing?"

He noticed? I felt myself go hotter in the face and covered it with a scowl before replying. "Mind your business and leave me alone."

"Alright, mama." He winked, grinning down at me and I noticed the dimple in his left cheek. A tiny indent that was definitely an overkill on his already insane good looks.

I turned away, determined to think about other things asides the naked man carrying me through the forest. Was the forest even safe? Was I ever going to get out of here? My head was starting to throb and it felt like blood had started to soak my bandages due to the impact of the tree I hit earlier so I closed my eyes, feeling the cool morning breeze over my face and fell into a light sleep.

When I woke, I was back in my room. The bed was a big and welcome relief as I cracked open my eyes to see I now had a bag of ice over my ankle. Did I hurt it that bad?

Ash was there, standing beside her brother who was seated on an arm chair by the bedside. She had her arms crossed and eyes stern. I really wished she didn't get mad about my escape attempt, when I met her eyes, I saw them soften and sighed relief.

She wasn't mad.

"How are you feeling now, love?" Dante's voice questioned from where he was sitting. He now had on a black button-down shirt on grey pants, looking dangerously casual a stark contrast to the man that carried me in the forest. "I warned you not to walk, now see your leg. Why didn't you tell me you hit your ribs?"

"Shut up, Dante," I groaned, not knowing which was currently more annoying; my aching body or his questions. I heard Ash snigger quietly probably because I told her brother off.

"Well, you're certainly the only one that can talk to the Alpha that way," another voice commented. I noticed the female standing by the window, partially hidden by the wardrobes now. She moved closer into my line of view and I studied her, she had beautiful blonde hair and huge 'take me home' eyes and her lips were turned in an amused smile that didn't reach her eyes.

She spoke, confident and assertively. "I believe we've not met. I'm Tiana."

I nodded in greeting, wondering what I was supposed to say when Dante spoke up, barely glancing at her. "She's my Beta."

"That's exactly how I enjoy being introduced," she said with an eyeroll. She had the aura of utmost disinterest about her, like she'd rather be somewhere else, doing something else. She turned to me, frowning slightly. "So about your little trip in the woods, Daph. Don't. You don't know these woods, you could get seriously injured in there and no one wants that." Her eyes dropped on Dante when she said the last part.

"Thanks," I murmured, unsure of what to say to this blonde Beta. I knew the whole concept of the pack roles from the time I had spent with Reid and his pack. I wondered if I would ever be able to tell the story of what had actually happened to me.

"Stay safe." She gave me a small nod, turning to the siblings. "See you later boss, Ash." She left the room, closing it with a small thud.

I released a breath I didn't know I had been holding ever since Tiana had been talking, I didn't know why I felt so very intimidated by her but I did. Dante got up, his height towering his sister's frame and came by my bedside and crouched down so we were face to face.

I resisted the urge to touch that beautiful face.

"Baby, I have to go sort some things out now," he told me, eyes soft and patient. "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to tell Ash, I'd be here in seconds too if you need me."

"I don't need you," I whispered back and saw his lips turn in a crooked smile, like he was trying very hard to contain his amusement.

"I know you don't, mama." He stood, hands shoved in his pockets and turned to address his sister. "Get her ready for tonight."

"Sure, boss," Ash said, tone dripping with sarcasm.

"What's happening tonight?" I called out to Dante who was now leaving the room. My eyes flickered between the siblings waiting for one of them to give me an answer.

Dante winked. "You'll find out."

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