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Voices roused me awake, people were discussing and I could hear the conversation in bits. I tried to move but it felt excruciating to do so, so I just lay still listening.

"I really hope she's fine," a soft male voice was saying, whispering low and fast. "I don't think I'd ever forgive myself for killing my mate especially after the Goddess has given me another chance."

Mate? Killing her?

Another voice came on, feminine and soft this time. "She'll be fine, Dante. If I were you, I'd be more concerned about why she has so many scars and wounds. She's really been hurt."

"And I hit her. I fucking hit her with a car." The man sounded so sad and remorseful. It took me seconds to comprehend they were discussing me. I was hit by a car?

The last thing I remembered was escaping the tall fence and running into the road. Did I make it? Were Reid and his gang still after me? My head hurt trying to even answer the numerous questions as even more came up.

Who were these ones? Did they hit me with a car? Were they with Reid? Why was the male talking about mates?

The female was talking again. "Dante, now that Daddy has travelled, you know what has to be done. You have to officially meet the pack and do the necessary rites."

"I don't want to talk about this, Ash." The remorse was gone from his voice, he sounded irritated now. "If you're that concerned, why can't you take the position?"

I heard a sigh. "Is this because you can't reach Bruno?"

"I have to tell you something." He paused. "I've been able to transform."

A sharp gasp was released. "And you didn't tell anyone! When was this?"

"When I hit her." The male stopped like he didn't know how to put his next words. "I can't explain how it happened myself, just that it did. It was so crazy."

"I wonder how she'll react when she wakes. She's human, we've not seen a wolf bond with a human in a long time, I really hope it works out."

"I don't care if she's human," the male said fervently. "She's mine."

"Yes, Alpha Dante," the female teased with a peal of musical laughter following. I moaned, my head throbbing heavily and tried blocking out their voices and felt my subconscious drift away to my previous prison.

The fact that I had murdered one of my captors now seemed to hit me hard, the way his eyes had widened in shock. A normal knife wouldn't have killed him, that one was silver coated. I had melted the silver chain I nicked off one of them when they spent the night with me and spent months fusing it with the rusty knife. It hadn't been easy considering using my powers would alert them.

I wished I never discovered I had powers. They were the reason werewolves haunted people like me, we were natural enemies. The only person that I had known who was like me was my grandmother and she was dead now.

"Daphne, you see me and you, we're special," Grandma leaned over to tell me in my ear like it was our little secret. "But nobody can know."

"Why?" I was curious, sitting on the ground and playing with the sand. I was making it move with my hands just hovering above it. "All my friends would think it's so awesome!"

"Nobody can know."


"Because bad people like to kill people like me and you that can do special things."


"Yes, really. You must never do any of these things. Ever." She touched my hair lightly. "Now stop playing with the sand and let's go make dinner."

Those were one of our earliest conversations about our gifts. I had come to learn that creatures, particularly werewolves tended to target us. Mere using the powers triggered them so I had quickly learnt the art of never using my gifts. On my eighteenth birthday night, I learnt my grandma had been found at her apartment brutally mauled by what they guessed was a wild animal.

The town police were bewildered about how the incident occurred, no wild animals lived around her apartment and how it managed to escape without being spotted was another issue. I had a very good guess about what happened and I swore to myself I would never use my powers again. Not after a werewolf had murdered my grandmother in cold blood.

Yet I had that day and like grandma always feared, I got captured. A loud bang brought my attention to the voices of those in the room once more. It appeared there was now a new voice, this one male; raw and very husky with excitement.

"You guys will never believe what's happening on the field!" It was practically screaming with excitement at whatever he was about to inform his friends.

"Lower your voice," the original male cautioned. "I don't want you to disturb her."

"What is it, Dom?" The female asked. "I thought I heard people yelling too, what are you people up to?"

"Well," the husky voice replied, apparently trying to keep his voice down to a hush because of the warning he had gotten. "They're performing a burning at the stake."

"What?" Two voices seemed to ask at once.

"Well, the morning patrol smelt one of those filthy things just outside our borders early today. They followed the scent and found her, some middle-aged woman and brought her back here."

"Is that who--?"

"Yes," the husky voice came in savage and rough. "That's who they're burning. The filthy witch was killed at the stake! Everyone was so excited, it's been so long we've caught one and --"

The other male cut in. "We get it, Dom. You can leave now, thank you."

"Alright, Alpha." He sounded a bit annoyed that the other two didn't sound as excited as he was and I heard a door close a few moments later.

"They still do stake burnings?" The male asked after a few moments of silence. "It's too savage if you ask me."

"It is." The female paused. "But then again, it's a rule that's centuries old. That's the ideal way to kill a witch."

My head was spinning quite fast now, comprehending and understanding everything they had been discussing. They were no different from Reid's pack, if they found out, I'd be the next victim on the stake.

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Yours Truly, Alpha Dante.Where stories live. Discover now