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Everyone knew the best time to escape was at night. Not just any night though, you had to have planned the night when everything would be working to favour you. To favour the escape plan you had been hatching for months now.

I stirred quietly on the small bed, knowing there was no way my companion was going to detect my movements. He was dead drunk. I sat up, reaching up to feel my forehead, the blood there had now dried up and felt crusty and without wasting too much time, I rose ignoring the burning pain in my limbs.

There was no time to waste.

I dressed quickly, never taking my eyes off my captor and dropped down to the hidden compartment I had found months ago, under the tile and pulled out the rusty knife, hoping for the millionth time it would do the job. If it didn't, I was dead for sure this time. Reid and his pack had no use for me except the fact that I was a plaything, it would take them a few minutes to dispose of me.

The memories of what I had been subjected to for almost a year flashed in my mind accompanied with pure rage and without hesitation, I moved towards the man on the bed and drove the knife straight into his chest aiming for the heart.

That was the only way to kill a werewolf.

Michael's dark eyes flickered open at once, unable to comprehend what was happening, apparently shocked and I pulled out the now bloody knife and drove it into this chest once more. Over and over again, until I felt the beast of a man go limp, his eyes now lifeless. I wiped the knife on the aged mattress, no way on earth was I leaving my only weapon here, it was coated in silver and the only thing that could kill these rogues.

Quickly, I fished the cell's keys from his pockets and let myself out. The pack made a mistake tonight, one that had aided my escape, they had all gone out on a raid and left Michael to watch me. They had been planning this raid for months now and I knew all about it, knew it was the only chance for me to escape.

Michael had gotten drunk and came in to force himself on me as usual, however, what he didn't think was that I was ready for him this time. I moved through the packhouse quietly, there was no way to tell if Michael had been the only one left at the house. If I ran into any of them, I was screwed over.

There was also no telling when they would be back.

I navigated the house fairly quickly and fairly well due to the fact that I was familiar with it during the few times they let me out of my cell. In a few moments, I was outside. I knew from hearing the pack talk that beyond the thick bushes was the main road. They had the whole estate to themselves.

If I could make it to the main road, I'd be free.

Trying to pass the main gates wasn't even an option, I held the knife closely and started my sprint into the bushes, I had to be fast. There was no time, immediately they discovered Michael they'd be after me and there was no way I could outrun werewolves.

Only that I didn't anticipate how difficult going through the bushes would be at night. It was tasking, trying not to get hurt or trip over fallen branches with only the low moonlight as my source of illumination. With every step, I uttered a quiet prayer to make it out of this ordeal alive.

I didn't think I could ever return to my normal life after this. I was beyond damaged emotionally and physically, this was my only chance at freeing myself from bondage. The pack planned on killing me eventually, I knew this too.

After what felt like well over an hour, I emerged out of the bush to face something that made my blood turn to ice in my veins. I knew there and then I had to make a very powerful decision if I wanted to make it out alive.

There was a giant, brick wall covering the whole estate.

I didn't know this, I didn't plan this. There was no way on earth that my injured self was going to climb the towering wall. I couldn't sit here and wait for them to get me either, I had to do it. I had to do the very thing that would end up triggering my captors to my location.

I shut my eyes tight and felt the hard wall, unsure if I could even do it anymore. Months of torture had made me extremely weak but I had to try.

I had to use my powers.

I exhaled loudly, concentrating as hard as I could on destroying the wall in front of me and opened my eyes to find it was still there, as real as my dangerous predicament. I grunted, trying again, harder this time and heard myself shriek along with the lower part of the wall crumbling. I kicked the stones, crawling out and knowing that I would be found in a matter of minutes.

What I had just done was like lighting up a smoke flare, revealing my exact location to all werewolves within the area. I needed to move fast, I could feel them coming.

I bust onto the main road, racing and shouting for help. I had been separated from the outside for so very long that I feared my appearance would not encourage anyone to stop. I couldn't imagine driving at night and stopping to help a crazy looking lady yelling her head off but I was hoping someone would.

I was still on the main road when suddenly I felt intense pain hit my body, hard and fast. I collapsed, lights blinding me and blood racing to my ears loudly. It felt like my body was being torn apart piece by piece, each organ being ripped out of its crevices and I felt myself slowly lose touch with reality.

Then I heard it, a low howl. Only one creature could make that sound.

The werewolves had found me.


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