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"Dante, there's a strange scent in these woods." Tiana, my Beta mind-linked, contacting me from her end of the morning patrol.

I was pawing through my end, we both didn't like the formality of patroling as a pack if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Plus, I wanted to be alone with my wolf, it had been so long I had felt comfortable like this. And it was all thanks to my little mate.

"What do you think it is?" I mind-linked back.

"Werewolf. Not our Pack."

"Let's meet up at the main house in a few."

"Roger that, Alpha."

I finished up patrol, transformed and had a quick shower before walking into my office and meeting Tiana lounged on my chair, laid back and looking quite bored out of her mind. I had known Tiana since we were toddlers, her Dad was my Beta before he died a few years back, we had both known the great responsibilities we had to the Pack at a tender age. Only I couldn't step up to mine as fast as she did. We dated as teenagers for some time and decided it was just best to be friends especially since she found her mate very fast.

"Situation report?" I questioned, studying her round face. She had big, brown eyes with dark blonde hair framing her face and a seemingly permanent bored look. She had on black sweats and a black tank top.

She uncrossed her long legs. "I don't want to sound paranoid or something --"

"That's a lie, you're always paranoid." It was true, nobody believed in myths and superstitions as much as Tiana did. I could still remember when we were way younger and her grandmother had told us that if we kept all our broken tooth and tossed them in the lake at night while praying to the Moon Goddess, she would grant us a wish.

Naturally, I knew this was impossible but Tiana had actually gone through with it. Safe to say, she was the queen of paranoia and superstitions

"Okay, to sound more paranoid that usual," she corrected drly, rolling her big eyes. "But I think there has been werewolves in our territories, I don't know what they're up to but I also found some clothes in the forest, the scent wasn't ours."

I frowned, knowing how serious what Tiana was implying was. The first thought that crossed my mind was my mate. What if they wanted to harm her? She had mentioned she had met a few werewolves before, were they the ones that had hurt her that badly?

I felt my blood boil over a thousand degrees at the thought. I would rip every single one of them apart.

"Alpha?" Tiana's voice brought me back to reality.

"I want patrol four times daily now, tell the guys." I put my hand in my hair, thinking. "Alert the pack that we might have an intruder, it might be nothing but better safe than sorry."

"Roger that, boss," she murmured, getting up from my chair and approaching me. "That asides, how is your mate doing?"

I heard myself growl, even my wolf was excited to talk about her. "She doesn't want to see me."

Tiana threw back her head, releasing a loud bark of laughter. "That's interesting. Dante the lady killer mates with the one lady not interested in him."

I rolled my eyes at her comment, it was true but still annoying nevertheless. I had always had a lot of luck with women, it didn't take a lot to convince them to do my bidding and this my mate struck me odd.

"Do you want to have breakfast with me or sit here discussing how the love of my life doesn't want to be with me?"

"Either option sounds amazing, boss."

I turned, leaving the office and she followed right behind me. When we got to the dining room, I sat at the head of the table and she took a seat by my left before we dug into the breakfast of waffles, bacon and eggs.

"Don't you think it would be better if a female talked to her?" Tiana spoke softly now, apparently done with making fun of my situation. "She'd relate more to her, taking in all that information isn't exactly going to be easy for her, especially since you almost killed her."

Apparently, Tiana wasn't done with the jibes.

I ignored the jibe. "Ash has been talking to her but it's still the same. She's unresponsive and doesn't seem to want to acknowledge anything."

"Is she scared?"

I thought about those fiery amber eyes and shook my head. "Not really, more like she doesn't want to stay here."


"Yeah." I closed my eyes, exhaling loudly and wishing things were easier for me. I had to mark her mine but I didn't see how that was remotely possible when she wouldn't even look at me. "Even if I do let her go, I'll have to follow her. I can't leave her, you can understand that."

I saw her eyes darken, we were both thinking about Lola. I couldn't let that happen again, I would go crazy. "I understand. Don't worry, boss she'll come around."

"I hope so." I desperately wanted to change the topic. "Dad said you called to check on him yesterday. That was nice of you."

Tiana grinned, forking in some eggs into her mouth. "The old man was a great Alpha, I was almost sorry to see him go. Sounds like he's recovering well on that island."

"Yeah," I agreed. "Mom thinks so too, although she might be back before him. They both seem to be having a lovely time."

"Vacations are always great with your mate," Tiana nodded. "Me and Liam have always wanted to go on one someday, but my responsibilities here haven't allowed me much time."

I thought about vacationing with Daphne. On an island, just watching her having a nice time on the sand made my chest glow and I had this fluttering feeling. Was I getting butterflies?

"How is Liam anyway?" I had not seen Tiana's brawny mate since I had been back. I knew they were planning a wedding soon and the thought of her as a married woman was amusing.

"Oh, he's --" she was saying when I Ash mind-linked me two words that caused my immediate destabilization.

"She's gone!"


"I can't find her!"

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