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I woke with an uneasy feeling, turning to my side to glance at the alarm and discovering it was barely 6 am. I stretched out on the bed, deciding to get up for a drink of water. I shook my head to clear the sleep and wore my pyjama pants.

The kitchen was silent and quiet, I quite enjoyed the calm and peace, taking a seat by the high stool on the island and thinking. A lot of thoughts had been running through my mind the past few days, most of them about my mate that was now recovering in the room upstairs.

I had bonded to a human. I wondered how she'd take the whole thing, would she even accept me? What if she got scared? I couldn't let her go, she was my second chance. Another thing that bothered me greatly was the marks on her body, numerous cuts and bruises like she had been beaten up several times. The mere thought of it made my blood boil.

Whoever did those to her, I was going to find them and inflict every pain she ever felt on them.

My phone gave a beep, lighting up briefly in the dark and I glanced at the screen. It was a text from Laila, my ex-girlfriend. I didn't want to see her anymore and had been avoiding her calls, she too must have noticed something was up. I read the text.

Why have you been ignoring my calls? Are you okay, baby?

I closed my eyes briefly, praying that this wouldn't get too dramatic. I really wasn't the type to end things over text but if anyone deserved that treatment, it was my materialistic girl, Laila.

I've been quite busy. I typed in reply.

Oh okay. I'm in Paris now with the girls. I just wanted to let you know that you might notice huge debits from your accounts, a lot of things are calling me to buy them here!

That's okay. I made a mental note to call my account officer first thing in the morning to bar my all credit cards that were in Laila's possession.

Laila? I really had to do it.

Yes, baby.

I think we need to take a break, things feel like they're moving too fast and I'm quite overwhelmed at this point.

It took her so long to reply, yet I knew she had seen the message. It had shown the blue tick that indicated it had been read. I sat there in silence, waiting. The phone beeped after a few more moments of torture.

If you feel that way. I can still take the jet back to NY?

Of course, that was what was her primary concern. Of course, I typed back turning off the phone and feeling like a very heavy weight had been carried off my chest. I stood, intending to return to bed when I felt a sharp pain in my side like I had gotten stabbed. I doubled over, clutching the place and realized immediately what was happening.

My mate was in pain.

I raced up to her room in record time, busting open the door and finding her sitting upright, trying to loosen her bandages. She stopped immediately she met my eyes, her bright amber eyes flashing in fear.

Did she think I was going to hurt her?

She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, small with a mane of short, raven hair as dark as the midnight sky and her eyes seemed to shine like stars. Her small face was looking into mine, scared along with so many emotions I couldn't understand.

I stood there, slack-jawed at my petite mate. I was so into her it was crazy. "Are you okay?" I managed to ask, wary about scaring her by approaching her.

"Please let me...go... go," she sobbed out, looking very much like a goddess in the glow of the early morning light. "I don't have any money I can give you. My family is poor."

Money? She thinks I want money?

"You're hurt, stop pulling at your bandages. You'll expose your stitches and they can get infected."

"I don't care," she cried softly. "Why did you kidnap me?

"Kidnap you? No, baby. I didn't." I started to move closer, shutting the door behind me to guarantee our privacy. "I accidentally hit you with my car three days ago, I brought you here to take care of you."

She looked down at herself, at the extensive bandages. "Don't worry about me then, I'll be fine. Let me go."

"I can't do that," I told her quietly, now by her bedside. "Do you mind if I sit down?" I gestured to the space beside her and I saw her agree and sat.

"Can you tell me your name?" This question had been bugging me since I didn't even know her name. She had not been with any form of identity at all, just a dirty knife that I found beside her body. The knife was still with me, I kept it for her.


Daphne. So beautiful.

"I'm Dante."

"Okay," she muttered, turning away from me with her eyes scanning the room as though looking for an escape route.

"Daphne, can you tell me how you got those wounds on your body?" I asked, carefully worried about upsetting her but my curiosity was getting the better of me. "The night I hit you, it looked like you were running from something."

She turned to face me, inhaling sharply. "I wasn't running from anything." Her eyes searched my face as though she was trying to determine if she could trust me. "Where is this place?"

"My family house." I wondered how I was going to explain she was at our Packhouse. I didn't want to scare her more than she already was.

She frowned. "So all the werewolves are here?"

There was no way she could have missed the flash of shock that crossed my face. "Werewolves?" I asked trying to sound like I didn't know what she was talking about.

"I've been hearing conversations in my sleep, Mr Dante," she said, eyes wide and bright. She was very intelligent I could see. "I know what you are."

"So you know about werewolves?"

I saw her flinch a bit before replying. "I've met a few."

I released a sigh. "Well, this makes things easier for me, Daphne. You see, the reason why I can't let you go is that I've bonded with you. I can't control it, it just happens and it happened when I saw you."

"What are you saying?"

"That you're my mate." I paused. "It's hard to explain but it's this instant connection between two werewolves usually but you're human, so it's really rare but somehow you're my mate."

She placed her small hands on her head and groaned. "My head aches, can you please just get out?"

I stood immediately. "Yes, sure. I know it's a lot to take in but I really do care about you, Daphne."

"Just go away."

I was at the door now, looking at her little form and bright glowing eyes glaring daggers at me. "And I can't let you leave either."

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