"of course, mom" i tease. we walk further into the living room where jack and asher are both sat on the couch, probably waiting for us to get home safely. juliet skips over to the couch and bundles up in a fluffy blanket with jack while i sit on the floor and lean against the couch.

"so what are we watching?" juliet asks, voice muffled by the blanket covering half her face.

jack squints at the tv for a couple seconds before answering, "some movie ash put on to pass time. i wasn't really paying attention."

"i already watched it like five times so i wasn't paying attention either" asher adds, setting his phone down beside him.

i decide to pull out my phone and scroll through social media before winding down for the night. i open up snap to see multiple chats, all of which are most likely replying to the picture on my story.

sexy ass mf‼️

love her. i respond with a couple heart emojis and move onto the next chat. this one is from a name i don't really recognize, also sliding up on my story.

Yo ur fine as hell
How old are u?

not worth my time. i swipe out of the conversation and just leave him on opened, then i see yet another snap from someone i don't know. however, it's not a chat. it's a picture. i wonder if he's hot?

without thinking, i open the snap and i'm met with a fucking dick pic. what the fuck.

i hear asher snort from behind me as i quickly close the snap and block the weirdo.

"you sending nudes, chica?"

"not funny" i deadpan, glaring up at him.

he throws his hands in the air in defense. "hey, i'm not judging. you're 18, if you wanna whore around you can whore around."

"no she can't" jack retaliates.

"i'm not sending nudes!" i stress, throwing my phone at asher. why did i throw my phone at him? i don't know, i'm just angry.

he tosses my phone back at me after laughing to himself, apparently thinking this is hilarious.

"take your phone back, i don't wanna be seeing all the dick pics you have on there" he snickers with humor in his voice.

i've had enough of him. i snatch up my phone and stomp upstairs to give myself a break.

he thinks he's sooo funny. he won't be laughing when i'm teasing the fuck out of him in any way i see fit. he'll be too busy drooling to laugh.

i think juliet and pip are getting in my head.

but it doesn't matter. i'm winning this bet, and i'll do anything i need to in order to prove i'm right.

after pacing around my room for a few minutes until i calm down, i decide i should just change into my pajamas and wind down for the night. i deserve the rest.

i slide off my air forces and set them down on my shoe rack, then take my hair out of my bun to finally let it loose and shake it around.

tease | brother's best friend (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now