"Ya, Son Hyeju" I tapped her shoulders while smiling at her

"You better shut your mouth, I know what you're going to say"

She's really scary so I just obeyed. I don't want to die yet...

I just looked at the other people in front me to see if there's some people like Yves and Chuu.

Vivi and Haseul doesn't seem to care about each other's presence.

Jinsoul is just eating her meal but Jungeun's eyes are always looking at her but she looks away when she feels like Jinsoul will look at her, what is this atmosphere and why am I hurting a little seeing someone having a possible interest with Jinsoul?

Jinsoul's POV

"Ehem! Jungeun, staring at Jinsoul like that is not free. A dollar per look please" Haseul stated

Yves laugh the loudest because Jungeun laughed at her the loudest earlier.

"Tsk Jungeun, we can see your eyes panic" Yves stated

"Shut up its not" Jungeun said

They're so loud but I didn't mind it so much. But if all of them are loud why is it so silent beside me? I looked at Hyunjin just flashing a fake smile and I can't think of the reason why, she laughed so much at Yves earlier though.

"Hyunie, is there anything wrong?"

"Huh? Why? What? No?"

"I know you, Hyun. If there's something bothering you tell me please."

"No, no there's nothing, don't worry about me just eat"

I know there's something wrong but I don't want to assume things.

Hyunjin's POV

I don't know what happened after the teasing for Jungeun but all I know is we just made a large group of friends now. Before, it was only me, Hyeju and Jinsoul but now we are 9 or 10...

Heejin's POV [Saturday Evening]

I don't want to go anywhere today but what can I do? Its my dad who's telling me to do dumb things.

We're on the way to a restaurant and instead of my driver, my dad insisted to drive for me because he's doubting me that I'm going to ditch that person who he wants me to date well that's true I fucking hate it here.

Once we arrived, my dad grabbed my hands tightly. "Do what I want you to do Heejin." I just looked at him and didn't answer. He looks like he'll force me to say yes but a man suddenly appears.

"Good evening Mr. Lee, this is my daughter Heejin."

"Good evening, and good evening Heejin. Hansol will be here any minute so let's get inside first."

I already knew that the Hansol is his son and I just wished that he doesn't arrive but I'm not that lucky because as soon as we sat he arrived.

"Hi dad"

"Hansol, here you are. Here's Heejin, Mr. Jeon's only daughter. We'll leave you two here and have a great time."

As soon as my dad and Mr. Lee exits the restaurant, I also wanted to escape but how? This guy seems interested and I hate it.

"I didn't know that Mr. Jeon's daughter will be as pretty as you but don't you think we'll make a great family with our looks?"

He's so arrogant and he thinks he's the highest man alive. If you will just hear his voice, you will be annoyed and its obvious that he's spoiled.

"I don't think so" I murmured but loud enough for him to hear

"What? No one ever refused me like that Heejin and I don't want people talking back to me like that, just so you know and do your business or else. Anyways, I haven't introduced myself I'm Hansol, Lee Hansol."


"You're beautiful Heejin but don't try to be hard to get, I know you like me too cause who won't?"


We just ate and I probably ate twice or thrice my normal eating speed because I want to escape this place as soon as possible.

"I'll drive you home and you can't refuse I'm the boss here."

He sounded so manipulative and I don't want anything from him. He's so immersed in his power because of money.

He drove me home and before I got off the car he tried to pull me for a kiss but I pushed him away a little too hard for him to get mad.

Hansol grabbed my chin after I pushed him.

"I know you and your dad are desperate for money so don't act clean." He stated

I immediately run out of his car and entered our house crying. My dad saw me and asked what happened, instead of him giving me a comfort he scolded me.

"What the fuck Heejin! All you need to do is to make him fall for you! Don't fuck things up and do your work!"

I can't believe what I just heard right now and my tears can't seem to stop flowing down. I entered my room and just cried the night away.

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