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Heejin's POV

I am actually wondering why he was home and why he wanted to talk to me all of a sudden.

My father rarely went home because all he do is work and maybe he's staying somewhere near from his work.

I'm now in front of our school waiting for my driver to arrive, I was a little excited though ofcourse I still have a soft spot for my dad since I'm the only child.

Once I arrived home I saw my dad in our dining table with so many papers scattered in front of him. He looked devastated and stressed and it grew me worried.

"Hi dad, what's the matter?"

"Oh Heejin you're here, come closer because I have something important to say." I obeyed.

"Honey look, our company is nearly being bankrupt and you know it can't happen right?" I nodded for him to continue.

"We really needed a stakeholder to invest for our company as soon as possible."

"So do you want me to find a stakeholder or what?" I asked while being so confused because this is the first time he talked to me about his business and yet he called it ours.

"No Heejin, I already found one"

"Oh great, congratulations I guess?" I said sarcastically. I just can't believe he got home to talk to me and its just all about business.

"But I need you" he said desperately. "Listen..."

Heejin's dad POV

"Mr Lee you're the only one I know who can help me save my business, please you won't regret this!" I begged for the first time in my life.

"I told you already, I can't invest to a dying company and you can't even give me assurance for what you're going to give back. You know me, I just don't do favors like that I need something worth it as an exchange." Mr. Lee stated.

I don't know what to give or promise him anymore, he won't believe me when I say that once he helped me out with my company's finances everything will go well but I'm not giving up.

"I'll give everything Mr. Lee, just to save my company."

While I was begging Mr. Lee's one and only son came in arrogantly and didn't even bother to excuse himself.

"Do you have a daughter?"

"Yes I have, why do you ask?"

"You said you're willing to give everything. What if I told you that I want your daughter to date my son and if my son liked your daughter he will marry her. If they did ended up being with each other then I'm going to invest and save your dying company but if they didn't end up being together then goodbye to your company."


"You don't want it? Then get lost"

At first I don't want to do it, Heejin is my only daughter and since her mom left I just let her do anything she wanted and never get in her way but money is more important for me now and I can't lose my company.

"No Mr. Lee, I'll do it. I'll talk to my daughter once I get home."


Heejin's POV

"What? No! I won't do such thing dad!"

"Don't yell at me Jeon Heejin! You don't have a choice whether you want it or not you'll do it and be a good girlfriend because if you don't..." he smirked

I saw that smirk again, the evil smirk. The smirk that he gave when he killed our maid before. The fear in me grows and I know the things he can do, I know that he will not let this pass. I know that if I disobeyed, I'll be punished and worst, he'll kill me too.

"You'll go and meet him tomorrow evening for a dinner so suit yourself and be presentable. Do what I want you to do Heejin or else I'll get your friends involve with this."

It left me no choice, he already said my weakness. I know he's scaring me but I also know that he can do it with his own hands.

I entered my room because there's no way he's letting me out of this house.

What time will you go back?

"I can't, my dad won't let me out of this house. He wants me to do stupid things" are the words I want to say to Gowon but it will just make them worried.

I won't come back tonight or maybe tomorrow too? I'll update you but lock the doors already, my dad asks me to stay.

Mhm, just update me.

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