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Hyunjin's POV

I held my mom's hands tight and begged for her to not leave me alone.

"Hyunjin please let me go you're making it harder for me but please this is for you and your future, I don't want people to look down on you because I didn't afford to make you finish your studies"

My mom said crying while matching my height. I'm currently 8 years old and still didn't understand why people needs to look down to someone with such pathetic reason.

My uncle forcefully pull me resulting my grip to loosen and finally let go of my mom.

I saw her leaving and it hurts my sweet little heart. I cried and cried all night until I'm out of tears to cry and until I fell asleep.

My mom and I lived together in a small house because we can't afford to live in a decent one atleast.

If you're wondering where my "great" father is, he left us even before I was born and I have no idea why. My mom will always tell me he's working in a very very far place that I used to believe but as I grew older I just knew that something is off because if he's working then why do we have to suffer puberty every single day that results to my mom going somewhere to earn money for us.

I woke up in the morning and saw my uncle waiting for me to wake up. He's the coolest uncle I know and he has always been the father figure that I see while growing up, he's my mother's younger brother and he's single for some reasons.

"Hyunjin, stand up and eat, its getting late and you didn't even ate dinner yesterday your mom will scold me if you get sick" he nagged early in the morning.

"Uncle, where did my mom go? When is she coming back? Why did she left me? Did she not love Hyunie anymore?" I asked him while pouting earning a sigh from him

"You've got a lot of questions little one, but your mom went to work and I guess she's a maid at someone's house but I don't know when she's coming back. She left you to earn money for your future and no Hyunie, she loves you so much that's why she's doing it, now eat your food before it gets cold okay?" I nodded and obliged him after getting my answers.

Days, weeks, months have passed by, 10 months to be exact and my mom is still not going home, I didn't hear anything from her since she left me, its my 9th birthday tomorrow and I feel like I'm celebrating it alone this time.

"Hyunjin! Come here quick we got a call!" My uncle said resulting for me to run to his place.

"Who's that uncle?" he just smiled at me and gave me his old looking phone.

"Hello?" I said in my little voice

"Hyunjin my baby hello its mommy"

I almost tear up when I heard my mother's voice but I just wanted to talk to her really bad and there's no time for crying.

"Mom where are you? Aren't you going home yet? I miss you"

"Hyun, I miss you too but I'm sorry because I can't go home on your birthday because my boss won't let me out and I'm scared that if I disobey, he will fire me and it'll be hard to find another work again"

I heard her loud and clear and it makes my heart break. I celebrated 8 years of my birthdays with my mom and uncle alone because I don't have a dad to celebrate it with but now I'm celebrating it with my uncle alone.

"But when are you coming back mom and why did you just call us now?"

"You know Hyun some things are just hard for me right here and I just managed to sneak and to borrow one phone from my co-worker to call you."

After she said that, I heard a loud thud and a voice from a man saying

"Where is she I told you not to give her the fucking phone!"

My mother quickly bid her goodbyes

"I need to go now baby, I love you so much and advance happy birthday" Before I could even respond she ends the call and left.

After the call, I felt sad but more worried for my mom because of what I heard but what can I do? I'm just a kid and I can't do anything about it.

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