Chapter 8 : A new foe has appeared!

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Port clahad


After the US army airborne brigade and US navy Air Force successfully repelled, or more appropriately termed, Eliminated the redemption army, convoys were sent out to retrieve surviving volandian soldiers in the battlefield.

One after another, surviving volandian soldiers were retrieved and stamped as POWs, though some attacked the convoys and were eliminated from the spot or knocked out from a sucker punch to the abdomen.

The volandian POWs were expecting a gruesome death from execution as posters from the king and their generals told them that the American Butt-lickers are gruesome savages that do not care for their enemies nor surviving men.

But they soon come to realise that their king and his generals were putting out false propaganda that fooled the entire army as they were being carried to sick bays, being treated with care and piercing a kind of needle that looked like the First continents first aid kits.


New world fleet

Fleet admiral Tarry was located in the middle of the fleet, standing in the deck of the almighty USS Franklin D Roosevelt Ford class carrier, put into service in 2028 and has been in this ship the entirety of his naval speed run.

Promoted to the rank of fleet admiral, he practically controls the whole navy, well excluding the secretaries and the president himself.

He was looking at the bright horizon, flash backing to operation dragon sky and his first time meeting a world war 2 vet.

There were even reports that several world war 2 vets tried to enlist into the army when Russia invaded Finland after their campaign in Ukraine plus China starting its own campaign in the South China Sea, officially starting World War 3.

Tears started appearing out from his eye as he sees flashbacks of when multiple Chinese cruise missiles hit a civilian cruise ship with 3000 passengers

Most were travelers from North America and Taiwan and some Filipinos coming back home.

But what hit him, was that he's parents were in the cruise ship..

He took a tissue out of his pockets and wiped his tears out, he then focused on the horizon and saw shore, he then got his walky and talked into it.

"We're ready to dock helmsman" the radio crackled and Tarry got a response from the other end, "Roger sir! I will lead this message to the fleet as well sir!"

Tarry then smiled as all crewmen in the USS-Franklin d roosevelt were fresh out of World war 3 and has been close with them when he was promoted to vice admiral.

He then started to walk back to the bridge as he's duty for Uncle Sam was becoming impatient.


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