"I've never seen him so angry before," Da'Shylah said, still amazed.

"I'll be back." Oshun rose from her seat and put her novel on the coffee table. "I need to take a piss." She strolled off to the girls' dormitories.

She had no idea Fred did that and she appreciated it. But she still didn't forgive him for going behind her back to snog girls after he told her that she had his full interest.

She headed for her dorm and kicked the door shut behind her, but she stopped short when she saw a letter on her bed.

She crossed to the bed and sat down as she picked it up. It had her family wax stamp on it, so instantly she felt her lower stomach rumble with anxiousness.

Her fingers ripped open the envelope and she fished for the folded piece of parchment. She unfolded it and her eyes rapidly scanned the contents of the letter.

Dear Oshun,

I apologize for the late update, but I just wanted to let you know that your father and I are still searching. We have people that are inside with the loop, so they'll be informing us on whatever is going on. Your father and I know some stuff, but we think it's best if we tell you in person. Once we're back, we'll let you know when to come home so we could talk in person. Take care of yourself and be careful, my baby. Papa and I love you.


A chill ran down to Oshun's toes.

That was all she got, but it made every fucking cell in her body inhale such tension. She now sat rigid.

No one at Hogwarts knew of anything that was going on in that department because no one knew about Oshun.

It needed to stay like that, no matter what.


"Hey." Fred smiled warily at her, hands tucked into the back pocket of his trousers.

Oshun stared at him with a blank expression and waited for him to tell her what he wanted.

"Right, so I guess that answers my first question, which was 'are you still cross with me?'" He cleared his throat nervously.

She had been stopped by him when she was walking out of the common room. She was in no mood to pretend that what he did didn't hurt her either because it did. She wasn't going to bother hiding it since she was also still fumed with what Draco said about her.

"Oshun, I'm so sorry," Fred said with his amber eyes pleading so desperately at her. "I didn't mean to hurt you or piss you off. I have no excuse for what I did except for that I have no self-control. Getting all the attention from girls was new to me now and I just couldn't control myself."

She stared back. She wondered if he screwed any of them. She wondered if what he said in her dorm when she was sick was bullshit too.

"I didn't have sex with any of them or do anything other than kissing, if that's what you're wondering." His dead-on guess nearly startled her. "Didn't trust any of them."

She didn't know what to say, so she stayed silent as her arms crossed over her chest.

He went on. "The attention I got from all the other girls felt good. It felt really, really good—"

She chuckled coldly under her breath and shook her head. Her tongue glided on the inside of her cheek.

"No, listen. I'm not done," he insisted. "It felt good because I've been stuck with Granger for years, and this was sort of freedom for me to do whatever. So yes, it felt fucking amazing. But shortly after, it made me realize that I didn't want their attention. I want yours."

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