Ch. 24: what did I miss?

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Nico woke up in a bed at the infirmary. he didn't have any dreams; well, he had a dream about popcorn. he tried to sit up, but his stomach hurt. once he moved, as if he had a boyfriend sense, Will ran to him and started asking him questions. was he ok? did he remember anything? did he know where he was? did he know his name? Will asked them so fast, Nico didn't have time to answer. Will could be a bit of a drama queen when it came to Nico's injuries. if someone got hives, "you take this cream and you should be fine." but if Nico got so much as a splinter,

"oH my GODS! NIcO are YOU OK?!"

after Will asked all the questions, Nico answered, "yes, no, yes, and yes. Will, what happened?" Nico asked.

Will explained. after Nico passed out, Thana let out a wave of darkness. she through everything she had at Khione, and Khione almost looked tired. Thana's eyes turned a glassy black. her scythe glowed with hatred and the tank-top and jeans she was wearing melted into a black, Greek style toga/dress. she punched the ice goddess and kneed her in the stomach. she put the heal of her boot on her throat.

"Now. I could kill you and just send you to Tartarus, or I can send a message to your father. which one would you prefer? eternal torture, or being grounded for the rest of your immortal, miserable life?" Thana asked, holding her scythe to Khione's neck.

"No, please! I'll do anything mademoiselle, anything!" Khione pleaded. "I-I'm sorry for attacking this camp of Half-Bloods."

"Well! since you called me Mademoiselle, I'll let you off with a warning, kay? of course, I'm still calling your father. but if I ever see you near a half-blood again, I won't hesitate to kill you." Thana said, moving her scythe. Thana called the god of the winds, and he came immediately. he looked pissed, and Khione looked terrified. he said something in French and Khione disappeared. 

"I am dreadfully sorry for my daughter's actions. I would do anything to make it up to you." he said.

"Well, it would be helpful if you could get rid of all this snow and ice." Chiron said.

"Ah, yes." he opened a water canteen, and a warm wind blew throughout the camp. it melted the snow, ice and everything that froze was thawed. "There. anything else?" he asked

"OH! our friends Percy and Piper. there is something wrong with them." Leo said. Leo led the wind god to bunker nine and showed him Percy and Piper.

"Can you help them?" he asked.

"Yes, I think I can." he put his hands on their foreheads and did something magic, because they both sat up. they both looked around for a minute. Annabeth went over and hugged Percy, but Piper looked right at Aeolus.

"Your highness?" she said.

"demi-god. I am sorry for what my daughter did to you." Aeolus said. "I would also like to apologize for how my roman persona acted."

"Khione did this?! I swear, the next time I see her--" she was interrupted by Thana.

"Your highness, I believe we need to talk." she said.

"And now we're here!" Will finished.

"Oh. permission to get up?" Nico asked

"No. not for another.... 5 minutes." Will said, but Nico got up anyway. he walked outside and saw that everything was indeed back to normal. he looked around the camp, scanning for Thana.  then he saw her standing by the exit/entrance, and he ran over to her. he was going to say something, but then Thana hugged him.

"what's this for?" Nico asked.

"Nothing special. you just looked like you needed it." Thana said.

they went to the Hades cabin and sat down on Nico's bed. Thana looked around. "I'm surprised they actually thought about making one. the cabin I mean. it's nice. not too dark or too bright, there's nice leg room."

"Are you going to leave?" Nico asked, fiddling with the bed sheet. Thana sighed.

"Sadly, yes. I still have a job to do. but I will be checking in every once and a while." she said. "But I think you have something to keep you preoccupied." she said mentioning towards Will at the infirmary.

"Oh. well, you know how boyfriends are. always need your attention." Nico joked.

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