Ch. 22: about camp.

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despite the fact that they were both extremely shocked to hear that she knew about the camp, Nico and Will explained the situation to Thana. they explained the unexpected winter, the magic barrier around the camp, and all the weird stuff that happened.

Thana inhaled. she stepped into a room and yelled. "GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!!" and entered the kitchen again. she looked fine but both Nico and Will could tell she wasn't. when she sat down, she said, "this sound like the abilities of Khione, the goddess of snow and what not. do you know anyone that might have made her mad?" she asked.

Will turned to Nico. "Uh oh." they both said in unison. they rushed over to the bathtub and Nico through a Drachma in the water. (Drachmas are the type of coin that Greeks use.) an image of leo showed up. Leo looked distressed. 

"Leo?" Nico said.

Leo looked at him. "Nico! are you ok? did you find the death lady you were looking for?" he asked

"Death lady?" thana muttered.

"Yea, we found her. Leo, this is really important." Will said.

"Alright, I'm listening." Leo replied.

"Did you anger a goddess by the name of Khione?" Will and Nico asked at the same time. Leo thought for a minute. then a look of horror flashed onto his face. reluctantly he replied.

"Yes. me, Piper and Jason did. on our first quest. she wanted to keep Jason as a popsicle, and she got mad at Piper and me. is she the one doing this?" Leo asked.

"We think--" Nico was saying but was cut off by Thana.

"Oh, no. I'm positive she's doing this." she said. "Me and Khione aren't exactly compatible at the moment either. I beat her once in a rapier duel, and she kind of hates my guts."

"Ok, then what are we supposed to do?" Leo asked.

"Wait for us to get back. we won't take long. keep everybody warm for as long as you can. ok?" Will asked. Leo said his goodbyes and wished them good luck as Nico slashed through the picture. they all went back to the kitchen, and will asked, "Lyn, how did you know the camp needed help?"

"I got a message from the wind spirits. it said, 'Nico get home as quick as you can' or something like that. from a roman girl named... Reyna."

"Reyna?" Nico asked.

"Roman?" Will asked. 

"Yes, and yes. I don't like to just stick to one culture. I'm not a big fan of the romans. the Norse are pretty cool. they're chill. the Egyptians are.......questionable. and your friend Reyna sent a message to you through the wind, but it got to me instead because you were on that train."

"Ok, well how exactly are we going to get back to camp?" Will asked. Nico and Thana looked at each other with similar grins. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking Nico?" thana asked.

"I think I am." Nico replied. then, Thana went to a shadow in the corner of the room and made it bigger. she hopped in and said, "you two coming or not?"

reluctantly, Will hopped in. "Oh gods. I'm gonna regret this in about an hour or two, aren't I?" he said before getting in the shadow before it closed.

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