Ch. 23: look out.

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Thana had never actually fought anyone before. at least, not in God form. she had fought many monsters as a demi-god, but as a goddess she never needed to fight. she just waved her hand and the soul and/or monster went to the underworld. this was new for her. they were fighting for about 6 minutes. the snow queen just wouldn't die!

"Would you just die already? please? and stop talking. I can't stand your accent." she said, slashing her scythe again.

"you're one to talk, Mrs. British accent! it makes sense that we're fighting though. you know, because the French helped the Americans fight the British."

"First of: it's miss, not Mrs. second: I was good friends with Lafayette. think about it. If you go to the underworld, I'll have Demeter make you some tea! of course, the only water to make tea with is the river of misery, but that won't make a difference." Thana said, avoiding a bolt of lightning.

Nico couldn't tell what they were saying, but he could tell that the two goddesses were bicker-fighting. Khione would throw a magical snowball; Thana would throw a comeback while slashing her scythe at Khione's neck. but even though Thana was strong, she was obviously getting tired. Thana was a demi-god before she was a goddess. Khione was born a goddess. 

"Nico, I don't think Thana is winning. she looks tired." Will said holding his arms. they didn't have enough time to get to the bunker, so they just stayed in the dining hall, which was a perfect place to watch the carnage of two goddesses going at each other.

"I know. but give her a chance. she'll pull through. she's strong. I can feel the energy of death radiating off of her from here. she can do it." Nico replied. he hoped he was right.

then Khione pinned Thana to the ground. she punched her and kicked her scythe to the side. she made an ice bar and put it on Thana's neck. Khione stood up and stabbed an icicle into Thana's stomach. Thana yelled in pain. then Nico felt something in his stomach.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" he yelled in pain. he felt like he had been stabbed. Will rushed over to his side. there was nothing wrong with him physically. he had no wound, no blood, and no cause of pain. Thana was bleeding Ichor (the blood of the gods.) but then they all heard her say two words before Nico passed out.

"Look out!"

Do you really love me?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon