meanwhile at camp half-blood.....

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The idea of putting fireplaces in the cabins was taking too long so Chiron decided to move the campers into bunker nine. Thankfully it was built for children of Hephaestus so there were plenty of stoves. Percy was helping by bringing in water for Leo to warm up for the campers who caught the cold, Piper was helping the younger campers fall asleep, and Clarise was telling them war stories to keep their minds off the cold. There was nothing they could do about the cold, but they could do something about being cold.

Percy was upset because the lake was frozen over. he went to the lake to talk to his dad, but the ice was so thick he couldn't even make the water break it. he tried using hot water to melt the ice, but it just kept freezing. "Percy it's ok. you can't stop it from freezing. you need to calm down." Annabeth realized he was crying.

"NO! it's not ok! How could this happen? My father owns the sea. It shouldn't be frozen. I can't even sense the fish! what if there're--what if there're all--" And he broke down again. Annabeth hugged him, and then asked Piper if she could tell him to go to sleep. She put him down on a bed and covered him up with a blanket. "Do you think he'll be ok? I don't like seeing him like this." Piper asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. he's not used to the cold. I mean, none of us are, but he uses the power of the ocean to stay strong. like the ocean, he is relentless and strong. But with all the water around the camp frozen, so is he. He can't move freely."

"That's true. But what happens if the water stays frozen for too long?"

"I don't know. I just hope Nico and Will get here. fast!"

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