meanwhile at camp Half-Blood.....

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Reyna was standing in the entrance of bunker nine watching the horizon. She'd been worrying that Nico wouldn't come back. she knew he was strong, but he could only take so much. at least he has Will with him, she kept telling herself. Will was a good fighter when needed and was a good person to have your back. But even knowing this, she still felt uneasy.

Nico, Coach Hedge and herself had spent almost 2 weeks together. Reyna had bonded with Nico, and they sheared private thoughts. for some reason when Nico asked a question, she felt she needed to answer honestly. always. Then frank asked her if she was ok. "I-I'm fine. I'm just worried about Nico. He sends me Iris messages when he has time, but I haven't gotten one in a while. I know he has Will with him, but for some reason, I'm still worried."

"I know how you feel. I haven't known the kid long, but even I know the quest is risky. even for him. And without his powers.... I can't imagine how he feels not being able to shadow travel, but he's also strong. He also probably just wanted to spend some 'quality time' with Will. you know, without the whole camp looking over their shoulders. If you know what I mean." Frank gave her a smile. For the first time in days, Reyna laughed.

But their laughter was cut short when Annabeth yelled, "PERCY!!!"

Percy and Annabeth were just sitting by the fire talking about collage and other stuff, when all of a sudden, for no reason, Percy's skin turned colder than ice and he collapsed. They put him on a bed and covered him up with as many blankets they could find, but he was still cold. Annabeth was panicking. "I don't know what happened! He was fine just a minuet ago! He just...." she didn't even finish her sentence when Percy groaned in pain. Annabeth rushed too his side and put a warm washcloth on his forehead. One of the Apollo kids examined him, but he wasn't sick.

Then Piper yelled in pain. She also collapsed and was colder than ice. They put her next to Percy, and she was just as bad as him. "What is going on?" Leo asked in disbelief. "First Percy, now Pipes!? how is this happening?" Then the Apollo kid that checked out Percy, Henry, came over.

"I don't know what's wrong with them. they both seem perfectly fine, other than being super cold and in pain. Health wise, there're both fit as a fiddle. I'm sorry." He said calmly.

Reyna looked out onto the horizon. "Nico, please come home soon. please!" She knew he couldn't hear her, but she hoped the wind spirits would carry the message to him as soon as possible.

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