Chapter VIII

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a/n y'all grab a snack, maybe a nice drink we got a long chapter here

She sat on the bed, her back and neck tense with pain. Her legs were numb she'd been sitting criss-cross for so long. She'd watched yellow-stained blinds fade into darkness. It could be midnight or six p.m she had no idea, no concept of time. She couldn't cry anymore, she'd screamed into a pillow so much that her voice was shot. She wondered if she should call for Edward. She needed to pee, she was starving, but she didn't want him to win. She couldn't let him get what he wanted. Zatanna knew if she played his game, he'd probably unchain her, let her move around, be more like his old self again. But she was stubborn and so was he, it would be a battle of wills until one of them broke. It can't be me, she thought, it just can't.

The door handle twisted, and the hinges creaked as it slid open. Zatanna didn't move, she would refuse to give him attention and focus on getting out. She could use her gift, or she could try, it was always more difficult to make the smart ones listen to her spells. She was weak and hungry and her nerves were shot — it wouldn't turn out well. At least that's what she told herself, instead of being honest. That part of her that still cared for Ed, would hate herself for trying to control his mind.

His heavy footsteps came closer and closer until he stood right in front of her. He waited a moment, expecting her to look up at him — but he got nothing just a void stare and shallow breathing. He pulled something out of his pocket and reached for her hands. He held a key inches away from the shackles on her wrists.

"You try anything," he pointed a finger in her face like she was a fucking child. His mask was on, had he taken it off the whole day? "Anything at all... and you will regret it." He waited for some kind of response. She cast her gaze back down at the ground, adrenaline now coursing through her veins. She nodded and that was enough for him. He held her wrist in his gloved hand and the other twisted the key in. With a click the heavy metal cuff fell into her lap, and once the other one was off she gently stood and glanced up at Edward. She could feel her heart trying to beat out of her chest but, she needed to look calm, she needed enough time.

"Do you need to use the restroom?" He asked.

"Yes." Her hoarse voice came out in a gravelly whisper. He raised an arm hinting at her to lead the way. For someone so smart, she could almost laugh, that was a stupid mistake. She rounded the corner of the bed and bolted. Zatanna was not athletic but she counted on the hope that neither was he. She heard his heavy boots stomp after her. She made it out the door and slammed it shut. The door locked from the outside, she couldn't help but grin. She twisted the small notch on the knob. He rattled the door and slammed on it.

"Zatanna!" He let out a loud scream. Bang. Bang. Bang. His hands hit the door hard. "Zatanna open this door now!"

She didn't waste any time, she ran to the front door. There were five separate locks that kept the door shut. A deadbolt, a barrel bot, two chain locks, and a combination lock. She could almost cry again, a combination — that could be anything. She hurried, the banging from the bedroom door getting louder and louder. She unlocked the deadbolt, the barrel, and two chains. Her hand hovered over the combination first she tried his birth date, then she tried her's and then she tried the day they met. She could keep trying but her resolve was weakening. She wouldn't solve this riddle not before he busted the door down. Where would she go if she escaped, back to her apartment? He'd find her if he really wanted to. She pressed her forehead against the door and felt her lips quiver and eyes sting. She couldn't just give up, maybe there was a fire shoot?

She took in a breath and heard a long slow creak. The banging was no more, the room was so quiet she could hear her own heart pounding against her chest. There was no way he could open the door that easy, right? Unless — the other side had a keyhole. She turned back around to the front door. It was helpless but she was more afraid of facing Edward now than she ever had been. Her hands were sweating as she tried random numbers, her brain not thinking clear enough to remember any dates. The floorboards were alarm bells letting her know that with each step her time was running out. He was toying with her, like prey. Walking toward her so leisurely, as if he knew she wasn't smart enough to get the code right.

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