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Right now I am waiting for chaneyol in the airport.

Ahh I am getting tired.

But soon he appeared and came towards me while smiling brightly.

I hugged him and he hugged me back.

" What a pleasure to see you hyung " I said and broke the hug.

" Ty bro same " he replied.

" Ok so you must be tired let's go?" I asked.

" Oh yeh but wait my fiancé is also here!" He said.

" Oh hyung got a fiancé " I said and winked at him in which he got shy and laughed.

" She's pretty isn't she?"

" Yeh she is " he replied.

" Where's she?" I asked.

" Oh she's in a washroom " he said and crossed him arms.

" Oh ok till that should we wait in our car?" I asked.

" Nah then she won't be able to recognize us , me " he said while searching for her.

" Ah alright" I replied.


" What if we got a breakup?" I asked.

" Nah it's ok you love me right not him?" Suho replied.

" Yeh I do , I love you only you and will always love you" I assured him and give him a kiss on the cheek in which he got shy and looked around.

" It's h-hot right?" He asked awkwardly.

" Just maybe you are taking to me " I smirked and he got more shy as the blood was rushing out of his cheeks.

" Ahh seulgi" he said while looking down.

" Yes sirr" I teased him even more.

" Ok leave it let's go home " he said and hold my hand and headed to his car.

" Love you suho" I whispered.

" Love you too seulgi" he said and kissed my hand while focused on driving.


" Ahh look here she is " chaneyol said and I turn around to get an electric shock.

I was standing there numb not knowing what's happening around.

I was feeling like as of everything around me stopped and just her angelic face was visible.

I turn around and brushed my hair back.

I gasped by remembering what chaneyol told me.

     "Fiancé "

Ahh not it can't be true.


" A-ah should we go?" Chaneyol asked and by that rose looked up from her bag in which she was finding her phone.

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