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"w-what ...?" She asked me.

" Why are you so beautiful...?" I mumbled.

" Be careful Mr. Playboy , what if you fall for me ...?" She said and smiled which make me stare at her.

She take the pillows and blankets with her self and walk downstairs.

" Wait for me " i shouted and take blankets and some pillows and run after her.


"Done" she said and while in dust off her shoulder.


I smiled and she looked at me me and smiled back.

She walk upstairs while i followed her.


" What ??" She asked.

" Uhmm ... Nothing ig"  that statement was said by me😊😁.

"Let's umm.....drinkkkkkkkkk" she said while jumped down from the bed.

" Yessss!!" I excitedly said while sit on the bed waiting for her.

Soon she arrived with 4 bottles of soju.

" Sojuuuu--"

" Shhh" she shushed me by putting her index finger on my lips.

" Ookk"

" Now let's drink " she said while close the door with her leg.

She sat on the bed beside me and gave me one bottle i started drinking to it.

After few shots.

I was little bit drunk but rose , she was totally Drunk.

" Oh hey j-jimin " she said while looked at me.

" Hey...?"

" You know what ??" She said while looking at my nose.

" What ?" I asked.

" I l-like you a bit but c-cant tell you , c-cause you already like tha-at bitch s-seulgi" she said while tears started streaming down her cheeks.

" Don't cry " i said while rub her tears with my thumb.

" D-don't touch me-e MF " she said while slap my hand.

I hugged her. She was trying to escape but i was the way more stronger than her.

" Plz chaeyoung-ah " i said while hugged her more tight.

" W-why are you with s-seulgi!" she said while i broke the hug and looke

d at her.

I again her rub her tears she looked at me.

" I like you b-but you d-don't " she said which make me speechless.

" I-i li-ike " i cut of my own words.

" Let's drink moreeeee" i said while trying to change the topic.

" Plz t-tell me that you l-like me too " she said and i looked at her in the eyes.

"TBH You know what rose , i don't like her i am in a relationship with her cause of our f-family , i like you too " i finally confessed

As i looked at her , she was already sleeping in my arms peacefully. i then decided to lay her down on the bed while i aslo lied on the bed beside her and hugged her from the waist and drove off to my dreamland.


I wake up and saw rose on my arms a smile appeared on my lips when i remembered the last night.

I slowly stand up and walk towards washroom and take a quick bath.


I came out and saw her still sleeping , btw my outfit for today:

I came out and saw her still sleeping , btw my outfit for today:

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I slowly walk towards her and shake her gently which make her rub her eyes and yawned.

"Rose wake up " i said while sat beside her on the bed.

" Let me sleep for five minutes....moreeeee" she said and covered her face with blanket.

I shake her again and her answer was all the same.

" Umm today is your birth day!!" I exclaimed and she sat up quickly.

" Ohh i totally forgot" she said while make a messy bun from her hair.

" Go and take a shower , i will wait for you then we will go down for breakfast together" i said sweetly and she nodded and left.

I smiled and leaned on the headboard of the bed and started to scroll down through insta.


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