M A R R I A G E ? ?

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We got discharge soon, and now I decided to make seulgi live in my house and she agreed.

It's night time and I am now trying to sleep, but I can't .... My baby , cause of rosé I didn't get him/her.

I finally decided to sleep.

"You know what ??" Jennie asked me savagely while fanning herself with the fan she have.

"What ??" I asked annoyingly.

" Hurry up we are going!" She said a little bit sterness in her voice.

" Where ??!" I asked.

" Rose is gonna get marry to the person she dont love , you can also call it a force marriage hurry up she is already leaving !!" She said slapped me in the arm not playfully but seriously.

"W-what !!??" I asked shocked and without receiving her response I ran towards the table and grabbed my keys and left in a rush.

I arrive at the airport and saw her going upstairs.

I run after her I think I was too late , as I reached to her and tried to hug her until her shadow and her soul and her everything become a  smoke , ash.

I wake up while sweating and breathing heavily.

" What the actual fuck was that ??!!" I mumbled and look beside my table and grab my phone.

And dialed Jennie's number.



Hey jennie

Yeah? What
You called at this

Is rose gonna
Marry someone who
She don't love?

N-no who
Tells you that

Oh probably
No one I was
Just wondering
Hehe , have a good

Weirdo k bye
Take care.

Yeah yeah whatever

You fucki--


Before she could finish her sentence I hang up.

I sighed in a relief, I pushed back my hair in frustration and leaned towards the headboard of my bed.

I feel lonely, very lonely , I am sad , angry but controlling myself at the same time.

I tried to sleep but I can't , I was thinking about how rose can do this to seulgi cause she hate her ? Just cause of that ?? Like how ?? Why ?? Is it that bad ?? What if it was a drama cause seulgi didn't seem that much sad -- no no jimin what are you thinking about, that was the truth as you see Irene was also crying, about rose she must be happy right now by completing her plan.

I shrug it off and was already sleepy I lied down and soon drift off to my sleep.


"what do you mean mom??" I asked and she furrowed her brows.

"Remember when I told you 'what do you think about marriage'??" Eomma said.


" What do you think about marriage rose ?" Eomma asked.

"A-are you talking to me ??" Rose pointed at herself.

" Yeah my dear!! Probably you !" Eomma said and patted rose head.

" e-eomma look I am still underage you know ?? A-and ---" rise got cut off by her mom.

" I am asking about your thoughts " eomma said seriously.

" To be honest , I don't wanna marry yet, maybe later , not now eomma I want to do a job at first " rose said and her mom understand her.

"I understand you .... Good but please don't be too much late arasseo!?" Eomma asked rose and rose smiles sheepisly and nodded , her eomma kissed her forehead before she left.

Rose sighed heavily.

"Hu hu hu " breathing heavily - rose.


" O-Oh now I remember !!" Rose Said and looks down playing with her fingers.

" Soo....??" Her mom was waiting for her reply.

" Who's the guy !??" Rose asked to be honestly and looked up.

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