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"Everything will be okay rose "Jennie eunnie patted my back. 

" But when ??" I asked and she don't replied.

" That son of bitch" she mumbled anrgyly and gritted her teeth but enough for me to listen.

I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back.

" Hey sorry to disturb you but sir jimin is calling rose " one of the girl said and I looked at Jennie eunnie and she nodded. I wiped my tears and.

I walk towards his office and knock on his door , I sighed heavily before opening the door. 

" Took the cup out of my office and be ready we are going to the shooting area "   
He said before he would say
Something more I left.

I was not in the mood today.

I was so Moody today.

I walk to the kitchen area and put down the cup on the encounter.

I sighed heavily and leaned on the encounter I was thinking like why my life is all like this hell.

"First of all my eomma I did everything for her to save her life but she don't see it and blame me but I still loves her Soo much and sister is now blaming me that I am the one who cause her to death and my dad was an alcoholic man he don't like us nor love us , he just use my money for his drinks , alchohol , he don't even love me but I still do love my family and now this son of bitch jimin he is always rude to me even I try my best for the job , I try my best to be angel in front of , even I am angel in reality people won't believe this all shit, I am already hurt a lot from my family while my wounds and still sore  and it's not totally heal and he it even more wrost. I-i can't even believe this is all my life , when i look around everyone is having a good and happy life but when I look at my self I feel pity for myself and looks like i am most bad and ugly girl in the world. Sir jimin was right my mother was a bitch she don't l-l-love me and ---" I was mumbling about my life and crying when someone cut me off.

" We are already late " I heard and look around and saw jimin standing there crossing his arms , leaning in the frame of the door.

" Y-yeah , sor-rry , I was zoning o-out " I said while wipe off my tears.

And we both start walking towards his car and he went in first then I went it.

" You may go now Kai " jimin sad as the driver started the car.


I listened everything she was mumbling I felt bad for her but it's none of my business.

I should act like I don't hear anything and will be not sweet to her.

And will be as usual as I am to her.

We are now in our way to the shooting area.

It's now lunch time.

We arrived there and have our lunch , rose said she don't want to so I shrugged it off and continue eating to my lunch.

After few minutes our shooting was about to start when Mr. Kim came one of my closest friends.

" Hey shortie !" He said and hugged me.

" Heyyyyyy?!!!!" Rose exclaimed and hugged him tighter than me.

I was confused there.

" R-rosé ?" I asked but taehyung also hugged her back.

" Rosé you know how fvcking much I miss you" taehyung said and I coughed.

" What happened bro ?? Are you okay??" Tae asked me.

" Totally" I said and he started to pat by back.

" Our shooting is about to start sir " rose said and i nodded , we all walked there and the shooting was already start.

" Ok so what is the topic ??" Tae asked.

" It's that seulgi eunnie is going to a marriage party" rose answered.

" Is this her wedding ?" Tae asked and rose shook he head.

" Then she would wear to a simple clothes not like that " tae said.

" Haahh how you dare to , that my new dress " Jennie yelled at tae.

" Yah stop eunnie " rose calmed her down.

" How he even dare to ??"

" Ohh sorry Missy" tae said while smirking at her.

"Look how flirty is he " Jennie said.

While tae was walking towards him.

" Yah don't you even dare to walk towards me !!" Jennie yelled while pointing her index finger to him.

" Yahh oppa stop " rose said annoyed.

She don't call me oppa while she call tae oppa why not me??

Anyways I don't give a freak about it.

" As you wish my babe "tae said and winked at rose which make her blush.

" Rose I am warning you don't go near that bitch , I am telling you " Jennie said while pointing to taehyung. 

" Ok ok babe I won't " rose calmed Jennie.

" Can we continue??" I asked and Jennie nodded.

" Butinthisdress" Jennie said

" Ok anyways our company won't go down just by this" I mumbled and rose rolled her eyes. 

She is being so Moody today.

I see.

As the shooting start seulgi ran towards me and hugged me I was stunned ant her sudden act I don't hugged her back. 

" Seulgi it's not the time , we are now in a shooting area " I reminded her she just smiled awkwardly ad went back to her shooting while she was glancing again and again to rose , she was standing there beside her.

Ohh I see. Jealousy.


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