one: pilot

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"Sh, sh, sh," a voice whispers into the girl's ear, holding her down

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Sh, sh, sh," a voice whispers into the girl's ear, holding her down. Heavy breathing lingers in the air as the sound of the dead begin walking nearby. This area was supposed to be clear. There hadn't been a walker for miles but now, suddenly there is. The two-stay quiet and down. The younger of the two keeps a hold of the woman, her being unclear of what was happening, but the younger girl had seen the walkers and acted fast. "There's at least 3. We need to wait till they've passed. I'm going to let go now. But stay quiet."

The woman nods her head as the girl lets go of her. As soon as she does the woman reaches into her pocket pulling out her pistol, going to stand. The younger girl reaches forward, grabbing the woman's hand shaking her head.

"What are you doing?" The girl asks, her voice in a hushed whisper.

"You said there's only three. Easy, three bullets," the older woman responds, her voice also low. But the girl shook her head, pleading the woman with her eyes.

"Three now, yeah. But you pull that trigger who knows how many more there is." The woman rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Stay here then." The woman shrugs the younger girl off before heading out from the trees and bushes. The younger girl stays where she is, letting her eyes roam the area before hearing gunshot after gunshot after gunshot. Each shot the girl jumps, clenching her jaw. But as silence fills after the third gun shot an immediate scream follows after. The girl turns swiftly and tries glancing through low branches to find walkers chasing after the older woman. She shakes her head seeing a hoard chase her. The older woman was out of bullets. The younger girl stays where she is knowing she couldn't do anything. She didn't even have a gun. Only a knife and hatchet she found a mile away from where they were.

"KID RUN! THERE'S TOO MANY!" The older woman shouts causing the girl's ears to perk up. She continues watching seeing the woman take out her sword and begin swinging some at the dead but as soon as the young girl stands she sees the woman slip and fall down on the ground. Both of their eyes go wide and for a brief moment their eyes lock before the dead drop and begin biting into the woman. Blood piercing screams escape the woman and the young girl watches in fear, shaking her head but ultimately knows she needs to get out of there. Slowly she backs up, seeing the walkers tearing the girl up and without a second thought the girl turns facing away from the older woman and takes off running in the opposite direction.

3 months later

Groans of zombies roam the area. Around a thousand roam around as a group tries and fends off. There's four of them. A woman with blonde hair, a guy with longish brown hair, a darker skinned man who makes sure both the women are safe and lastly a girl with green eyes. Fear crosses that girl's face trying her best to understand what was fully going on.

"Nick, grab your sister and seek shelter!" The older woman shouts, glancing over her shoulder. The guy with longish hair nods, rushing towards the green eyed girl grabbing her hand rushing away. The woman and the other guy continue fighting the zombies backing up as they do following after. However as the sound of a scream appears both the older people spin and take off running towards where the girl and Nick had ran off to.

Before You Go {Alicia Clark x Reader}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें