Chapter 25

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Out of all these Veer seemed dull..he slowly went toward his room and stood outside the door for a while. I went near him

" Nothing changed? "

" I didn't let anything to change but everything changed me "

Later the day I explained everything to my so called hubby and he was completely shocked..I called Nikki to inform her about the condition and she was extremely happy..

Nikita is now an air hostess in Air India airlines and comes home after every two or three days.. 

It was almost 8:00 p.m when John came back from his tuition..he was begging to eat Chinese today so I decided to cook noodles and chili chicken..

I was quite confident with my cooking skill I have  learned it well in the last five years so I didn't allowed Veer inside the kitchen..

 "OOUUCCHH " I shouted 

Veer came in running and saw I had cut my finger while chopping onions..I kept on crying while he came in..

He had a furious look and said " Enough of your five years learning "

He placed me on the kitchen slab and said " Sit here and watch it "

I quietly sat on the slab

Its being so long I have being cared like this..I felt butterflies as soon he carried me and to be honest he looks extremely handsome while cooking and I couldn't stop felt like I was in a time machine and I went back to those days of our being together..the most butterfly moment was when he looked at me while cooking ..

Later at the dinning table I and Nikhil were planning about anniversary and after a long discussion we decided to celebrate it at our school " SUNSHINE "..We asked Nikki to take a leave  too..

The day finally arrived for what I was waiting..our theme was school days and I literally forced Veer to get back to Vicky..His parents and my parents were also invited..there were guest from our professional fields..It was a grand event..

The ground was decorated with flowers and a stage at the center and a red carpet was placed from the entrance to the stage..     

And finally the ceremony started..Nikhil got up the stage and said 

" Thank you everyone for being here..Let me start from the very beginning..My days here were very special just because of Shree. she was a ray of light in my darkness and I never imagined a day without her though we lost connections for few years but I never forgot her smile that gave me energy to find her but my luck had made something more special for me..I met Shree and I knew she was mine and I was very angry when I couldn't get her but it was then  Nikita helped me realize that she was never mine she was forever someone else..It took me a lot to except the fact but dude fact is fact and the moment I realized the fact I realized that Nikita was waiting for me to give her a shoulder and today I can proudly say that  I am the happiest married person with the most beautiful woman..I love you Nikki" 

I almost wept when I saw Nikita walking through the carpet with two ponytails and a old Nikita was back and I was so happy for her 

To me Nikita is an  example of true love she never changed her feeling not for a second..she kept on loving both of us in spite knowing Nikhil loves me.. She was always a shoulder to me and I can proudly say that she is the person...

Nikita went up the stage and kissed Nikhil and maybe the most happiest person was John..he saw his mother after two months..

among all these Veer went missing and then Nikhil called me on the stage to speak 

" Hello everyone myself Shirsha Basu a student of class 8 and today I am going to speak about my love story..My boyfriend is Veeranshu Malhotra the prince charming of class 8 but he belongs to me..I have waited for him to except me and in future I am ready to wait for him..There were days when we wouldn't meet each other but our warmth for each other never reduced..even after so many years he still loves me and care for me..he still sings to me at night and cuddles with me..he still ties my hair and  feeds me  breakfast..When I am tired his hugs are like energy drink..for me he is a complete man without flaws.."

I saw Veer coming towards the stage and I ran towards him and knelt down and said 

" MR. Malhotra will you let me be your Mrs. Malhotra "

He pulled me up and we kissed.........


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