Chapter 3

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Really I didn't believe that I could bump on Nikhil. 

Nikhil is my childhood friend we spent our teenage together and he was a scholar so he got a chance to study abroad and hence we lost connections... 

" What a surprise Shree !"

" I never excepted to meet you here " 

" Why are you at the hospital ... anything serious? "

He asked all together ... I took a breath and replied...

" Bro I took journalism as my career choice and I am an intern at VOICE OF INDIA "

" I am here to make a report on this hospital "

" Oh I see...and who is he ?" he asked pointing at Veeranshu

" Oh he ... he is a cardiologist of this hospital" 

With a smile  Veeranshu replied " I am also her roommate "...

Oh god what did he say just now...I must cover this  up...

" Actually the thing is..." 

Veeranshu's phone rang...It seemed like an emergency call...He hung up and said...

" Shirsha , I'll leave first "

" Where to?"

" Its an O.T... I must leave "

" Wait I will come with you "

" O.T is only for doctors not outsider "

" I am not an outsider I am the personal reporter of Peerless "

" And its also a part of my job "

" OK fast "      

Saying this he headed towards the lift... I asked Nikhil to wait in the hospital cafe and ran towards the lift...

I came in front of the O.T but there were many senior professors ... so ultimately I couldn't enter the O.T... I could only sit in front of the O.T...

I almost fell asleep while waiting for the patient to come out safely...and almost after 2 hours the patient came out and he was shifted to ICU...almost after 15 mins of the patient was out of anesthesia...

After requesting for a quite while I was finally permitted to go into the ICU  .... I saw the patient was an old man...he looked at me and smiled slightly... I went near...

" How are you uncle? "

" I am fine " with a timid voice he replied 

" Who are you ?"

" Oh I am intern journalist"

" Why are you here?"

" The doctors said your condition was critical so I just wanted to check on you "

" How nice of you "

" You know I had a son like all other father I also thought he would have a bright future"

" Then what uncle?"

" It was so bright that it removed me from his life "

" He left me alone here and went abroad...just a single phone call every year"

" Maybe he doesn't know  about my current condition"

" Anyway...remember my child, who you are today is not only because of you but also because of all the other people who had an impact on your life, never forget them."

I almost cried and hugged him and said ...
" from today I am your daughter and I will visit you everyday" 

That smile on his face was priceless...

That was a busy day... I came downstairs at the hospital cafe and as expected Nikhil had left...I don't know what he thought of me...

I took a coffee and sat with my laptop to update the report...

Finally back home...I and Veeranshu returned together... We had our dinner on the way...

He was so tired that he felt asleep as soon as he dropped himself on the bed...

But I couldn't sleep...It felt like something was haunting me inside...

I went to the balcony and saw a very busy moving at a great speed...Exhausted people returning home...couples giving each other goodnight kiss..

I couldn't help but cry....

Where Are You ?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz