Chapter 24

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As requested by Ms. Maalika Mr. Malhotra continued 

" Project Shree is all about me and my team finding solution to biological wars and I can proudly say that we have succeed much more than we expected though it needs more research "

" Why did you named it Shree "

Mr. Malhotra smirked and said " Maybe she suffered the most in this entire process "

" Brief it!"

" She is the girl I love..I knew if I told her the truth she would wait for me but I myself was not confirmed that  will I come back in one piece or not as it had many life risk and I didn't want her..."

I went into the stage and slapped Mr. Malhotra 

" How dare you VEER ?"

" Shree ! lemme explain  " he said while trying to hug me 

" Don't you dare to touch me "

" Calm down first and listen to me "

" I don't want u even know what I faced for the five years "

Ms. Maalika asked " Mam who are you ?"

" Wow ! who am I ? "

Veer replied " She is Shree..I mean Shirsha "

Ms. Maalika " Wow!! can we have a round of applause for her "

And the entire hall applaud and I was so irritated that I walked out of the hall and Veer followed me..

I went into the parking and got my car unlock and as I was about to get into the car..

Veer held my waist from back and pulled me towards him and then gently lifted  me and kissed my eyes were filled with tears and I turned towards him and hugged him..

" I am sorry Shree..but the situation was.."

I couldn't held it anymore and I pushed my lips into his...

This scent of his perfume I missed..His taste and his touch..I missed everything about him and I freaking wanted the time to stop and we continue the way we desperation was on another level and I wanted more and more ...And every time tears rolled down my eyes..I could never believed that I could get him back...

Later on the car he explained me everything..They were informed about the project just a day before their return and he was selected as the chief doctor and it was complete secret project and it had life risk so they created that fake plane crash and he made a fake body to make me believe..

As soon as I entered the house..John came running and hugged me and asked 

" Mammoni who is he ? 

" He is your barepappa "

" come in and eat " a voice shouted from inside 

" Mammoni..hubby is disturbing " john complained 

we went inside and Nikhil was shocked to see Veer 

" You are alive!! " Nikhil exclaimed 

" Yes I am " Veer replied 

" But how ? " Nikhil questioned 

" I'll explain later" I said 

Nikhil asked " Come John eat and stop calling me hubby I am your Papa "

I teased " Oh! My lovely hubby "

" stop it Shree..he learned it from you ..How many times have I told you not to call me hubby"

" Aree! What will I call my Hubby" 

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