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"And Penelope cried."
Penelope Adaams, Doomsday

Jasper held onto her tightly. Despite the strong winds that whipped past him, he didn't move - he had never been through the void. Penelope, however, was struggling to keep hold by herself. And he recognised the look in her eyes, he'd seen it before, she wouldn't try to save herself if she started to slip.

So there he was, holding on for dear life - her life.

The Doctor and Rose held on opposite from each other. And in that moment, Daleks and Cybermen whipping past into the equivalent of hell, everything seemed to be going well. As it continued to go well, he could feel the heavy guilt from how he treated Penelope.

Everything was okay. Rose was here, his plan was working. She hadn't technically done anything wrong. His stupid anger came from nowhere, heightened from when he watched her interact with that Torchwood Agent.

For a while, lost with his thoughts, he had toyed with the idea that she had worked for Torchwood the whole time. That was instantly forgotten when Yvonne had said that she never got a call from Penelope, she never accepted their offer. But that nagging thought was there - she didn't deny it either.

Turning his head as best he could against the wind, he just watched her. Jasper continued to hold onto her, unaffected by the wind, and she was effectively cut off from the rest of them. But he knew she was there. Maybe after everything, she might have the heart to forgive him. Everything seems okay, he overreacted.

"OFFLINE." The robotic voice that came just a bit louder than the roaring wind caused everyone to whip round. Which side was that, the Doctor or Rose? The suction from the chasm started to wane, and Penelope managed to turn around enough to be able to see around Jasper.

Rose was attempting to reach the lever on her side. Her best friend started to struggle against Jasper's hold, wanting to get out and help. This took the Doctor's focus of a second and as it did, Rose let go of the magnaclamp.

"Rosie, fuck. Rose please be careful!" Jasper refused to give her even the slightest margin of movement. He knew she would throw herself down there to Rose.

"I've got to get it upright!" Somehow, she managed to grab onto the lever, and as she was pulled horizontally by the Void, the lever moved as well.

"ONLINE AND LOCKED." There was relief that lasted only a second before everyone became acutely aware of how much of a struggle it was for Rose to hold on.

She was slowly slipping towards the pull of the void and the stress had made her sweat. Her hands were too clammy to be able to hold on for long, and she knew that. As the suction builds up again, the Doctor starts to panic. It had been going so well.

"Rose, hold on! Hold on!"

They all know she is being dragged towards the void. She looks up at Penelope, who was already crying, and can't help but panic even more. Compared to the Doctor, who was still screaming at her to hold on. He was looking for a way to reach her.

Rose Tyler accepted her fate as she felt the tips of her fingers finally leave the lever handle. The feeling was familiar.

She tries to remember the last time she felt like this.

It could've been with Cassandra. Her first adventure with Penelope. She never would've told her, but back then she couldn't stand her. But after Cassandra, she felt linked to the woman. Plus she saw how the Doctor looked at her.

Or maybe the last time was by the black hole. Being pulled down to her death. She said such horrible things to Penelope then, not realising that she was coping the only way she knew how.

Wherever this familiar feeling had come from, it welcomed and enveloped her. It made it easier. Thank god something was making it easier for her.

She barely had time to memorise the broken-hearted looks on her friends faces before a pair of arms wrapped around her and she was transported back to the parallel world.

The last thing she heard was Penelope scream.


As the suction finally died down, it was all but quiet in the room. If you didn't count Penelope's near-silent sobs that wracked her entire body with grief. It was quiet.


And Penelope cried.

And Penelope cried

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