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"Inside her head. They're so alone."
Lady Cassandra O'Brien, New Earth

Penelope felt like she was floating. Not the nice kind of floating, like being let loose on a floaty for the first time at a pool, but finding yourself stranded in the ocean and knowing that only floating saves you from the murky depths.

She could hear her voice and feel the pull of her limbs moving, but couldn't recall making those movements. Opening her eyes, she was horrified to suddenly feel like an outsider in her own body.

Doctor? What's going on?

Her figure scoffed, flicking back the ginger hair as the real Penelope tried to move against the heaviness around her.

"It's nothing to worry about honey. Your precious Doctor and.. the blonde one are okay. Just waking them to wake up."

Who are you? Why are you doing this?

The woman with Penelope's face scoffed, the real girl not liking that expression on her features.

"I am Lady Cassandra, and I am the last human. Not your pathetic Rose, who, I will have you know, tried to kill me with your Doctor when we last met. You weren't there, unfortunately, would've loved to meet you in person." A confused expression flitted across the reflection, a true representation of how Penelope felt.

I'm sorry Cassandra, but you can't do this. I-

There was a sudden sharp pain in her head, causing her to stop talking. The heavy feeling constricted her throat and threatened to close it.

A continued confused expression stayed a little longer than Cassandra would like to admit, but she had to drop that when the Doctor and Rose Tyler started to wake up in the cell before her.

The ginger girl kept quiet throughout, only making small protests here and there that Cassandra ignored. It wasn't until the Doctor offered himself to take the pressure off her brain that she made a proper stand.


Cassandra cowered back at the loudness reverberating around her borrowed mind. She smiled nervously to both of the people watching her, knowing there was no way to explain that.

"Well, she didn't like that idea all too much." The Doctor looked concerned, a touch of pride swirling behind his eyes. Behind Cassandra, Penelope argued into the abyss.

He is far more important than I am right now. I'm not going to fix this am I? Say that I said rather me than him.

"Oh do I have to." The small temper tantrum did nothing to dispel Penelope's ranting.


"Oh alright, goodness you're so bossy." The body thief repeated the statement, defending herself when the Doctor argued. Penelope also continued to shout from inside her own head, eventually Cassandra must've had enough as she moved to the Doctor.

Suddenly being given control of herself again was not as pleasant as she hoped, by which, Penelope Adaams fell ungracefully to the floor. Rose was immediately by her side, helping her up, knowing the Doctor could handle himself.


"I-I'm okay. What's going on? I don't remember much." Rose looked guilty at her, both of them choosing to ignore Cassandra getting used to her new body.

"Well you - Cassandra - opened all the cells and the people kill anyone that they touch. We stopped so the Doctor could help you." Penelope was slouched over a bar, taking it in. She was quiet, eyes pricked with tears.

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