Reinette's Letter

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My dearest Penelope.

I have never wished for another person so much. The slow path that we endured seemed to get slower in your absence. But I do not blame you for this.

Although now I fear I am nearing my end. I do not know when I will die, but when I started to get sick, and you were there to reassure me, I knew I wanted you by my side. Reason tells me we are never to meet again, and unlike what I will tell the Doctor, I am enslaved to reason.

I have seen the world inside of his head and know of the marvels you will see. I do not want you to think of me, merely let me be a memory that you can bring up to your children one day. The woman who loves you but knew it wouldn't be. I never told you, and I suspected you were one of the only to never guess. May you burn your own path through the skies, thinking only of your life with the Doctor, not the one you have left behind.

If I am right to finally disobey reason, then hurry my friend. My days have gotten shorter and I am becoming so very weak.

Godspeed my firefly.

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