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Xavier looks disappointed. He looks away and through the car window to something off in the distance. After a minute of this, he replies.

"There's a gas station a few miles from here."

He didn't look at me until we reached it.

Once I see it outside my window, my mind starts to race, and my heart starts to pound.

Xavier snaps his head up to me.

"Now, listen. Don't try anything. I'll be watching and I'll come in with you to make sure you don't do anything. Henry and Adam will also be there. Got it?"


"Got it."

He opens the door and gets out. He waits for me by the door.

I cautiously get out, half expecting him to pick me up again.

Once I climb out of the car, he firmly places his hand on my lower back to keep me in place and starts walking towards the entrance.

Once we are at the doors, he stops to lean down to my ear.

"Don't try anything."

In your dreams.

We go inside, and he leads me to the restroom door.

"I don't need any surveillance with this part."

I look at him expecting. He looks into my eyes, almost lost in them.

"Right, sorry," he finally says, then hesitantly removes his hand.

He stands there awkwardly.

"Can you not be so close? I mean to the bathroom. I won't be able to go."

His eyes slightly squint at me.

"Fine, but not too far."

I nod.

He leaves to go stand by his men near the entrance.

I go inside the restroom and lock the door.

There's a window above the toilet. Yes! I can climb through it. I stand on the toilet to reach it better.

I start to pull it open. It won't budge. I try again harder, but its no use.

"No! No! No!"

I hit the window as tears start falling down my face again.

Some rasp knocking come from the bathroom door.


"Shit, shit, shit," I whisper.

"Are you okay in there?" Xavier asks panically.

"I just need a minute." I say through sobs.

"Open the door." Xavier demands. "Open the door right now."

"Please." I beg tiredly.

A few moments go by.

"Please just open the door." He pleads.

I can still get out. I can't give up.

I look at myself in the mirror, wipe off the tears, and rub my eyes.

I go over to the door, take a deep breath, unlock it, and then open it.

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