A Tired Question

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I groggily wake up in a half-awake half-asleep state as I overhear Xavier and one of his men talking.

"How is the Luna?" Man.

"As well as can be expected." Xavier.

"When are you going to tell her?" Other man.

"When she can trust me."

I close my eyes as I feel someone pick me up. Xavier.

He pulls me out of the car and starts carrying me somewhere.

It felt like we were walking forever, or maybe it just felt like forever because it was him.

"Xavier?" I whisper.

He stops walking, and his heart rate picks up.

"Yes?" He asks softly.

"Why?" I mumble before burying my head into his chest before falling asleep in his suffocating embrace.

*Sorry that this is a short chapter! I just didn't feel like it fit with the one before it or after it. I hope you all are enjoying this. Thank you for reading!*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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