26 ❥ the truth always comes out

Start from the beginning

"What's going on here?" I look up and see Asher and Dr.Moore enter the kitchen.

"Yeah Macy, what's going on here?" I ask, a fake smile plastered onto my face.

"Nothing." She mutters.

Asher just shrugs it off and makes his way over to me to help me dry the dishes while Christian walks over to Macy to help her clean the broken plate on the floor.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I called her a fucking gold-digger." I shrug.

I watch as my brother's eyes almost fall out of his head.

"WHAT?!" That causes both Christian and Macy to glance over at us.

"SHHHH! You heard me."

"I just wanted to make sure I heard you correctly. Well, good for you Lyss!" He laughs.

"Asher! Macy! Come here for a moment." My dad yells from the living room.

Both my brother and Macy sigh before making their way out of the kitchen leaving Christian and me alone.

"How are you, Alyssa? You know...after your brother's incident." He asks suddenly.

"I'm fine," I mumble.

We both continue awkwardly tidying up the kitchen.

"You know...you look just like her." He says.


"Like your mother."

"You knew my mother?" I ask before turning around to face him.

"Of course! Your mother was a very beautiful woman."

"She was, wasn't she." I smile.

"She had dark brown hair like you..." He takes a step towards me.

"A contagious smile like yours..." He takes another step.

"Big brown eyes..." Another step.

"Beautiful body." At this point he's standing directly in front of me, keeping me stuck in between him and the counter behind me.

I freeze when I feel his hand stroke my hip.

"Uhh, can you please back up? I ask while staring down at my feet.

"Do you really want that?" He gently grabs my chin so I would look up at him.

"Uhh yes please," I say.

He just continues staring at me for a couple more seconds before letting go of my chin and walking out of the kitchen.

What the fuck!

What the fuck!

What the fuck!

"ALYSSA!" I gasp before glancing at my brother.


"I called your name like 5 times! Are you okay?" He asks

"Yeah, I just- I was thinking about something." I sigh.

"Dad wants you out here."


I quickly follow my brother out into the living room and take a seat on the couch next to him.

"So, Alyssa, how are doing knowing the anniversary of your mother's death is coming up?" A woman asks.

"Oh uh- well obviously it's a very sad time but I know she wouldn't want us to be upset. She would want us to celebrate her life. So, I'm just taking everything one step at a time." I reply.

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