Chapter Five

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"Hey guys, it's your favorite streamer here." You grinned at the camera waving before you continued speaking. "So, I came into this video with nothing planned and with that said I think I'm just gonna wing it." You thought it over a minute before coming up with an idea. "Maybe I should take you guys on a mini tour of my life."

You stood from your desk fiddling with your camera set before bringing it with you. Satisfied and making sure it was pointing to what was around you, you walked out of your bedroom talking more.

"I live alone as some of you know but what you don't know is that it's a pretty shitty neighborhood. Shit, I owe the swear jar again. I'll explain about that later so back to the shitty location and being a single woman in my one bedroom apartment." You laughed softly, shaking your head at yourself. You were walking out of your bedroom down the small hallway that led into your living room. "It led me to wanting a guard dog..."

The camera panned around your small apartment, over the back of the couch to look down at your 'guard' dog. He was a year old doberman who was pretzelled into all different angles while he lay on his back.

"The problem is...he's not much of a guard dog." You moved to round the couch to get a close up on him and get a chance to love on him but the next thing you knew was that you were stubbing your toe crying out. "Fuck!"

You hopped around, reaching for your wounded toe which caused you to come tumbling down a few inches shy of the coffee table. You laid there a moment groaning to yourself before looking to see where you flung your camera and surprisingly it was still in your hand unharmed.

"Well that happened." With a grin you faced the camera to yourself showing that you were okay before having it face your dog once more. Through all that trouble he hadn't made a single move. "He didn't even flinch...great guard dog I have, huh? He'd probably even hide if someone broke in or tried kidnapping me."

You shook your head moving over to poke one of his paws that hung in the air, his head snapping up to look at you. "Glad your comfy Rex."

He grunted at you in response, looking away.

"See, he's crappy at being a guard dog and he's in a bad mood." You joked and with a fake cry you whined out. "Does he even love me?"

You heard another grunt making you laugh way too hard for your liking, you even let out a little snort that felt way too unattractive as you ruffled his fur. "He's a good boy though, he more or less took over a different role in my life that I thought he would."

You eyes landed on the service dog vest of his, you never wanted him for that reason...not at first. The thought of a service dog made things real and you were happy with the original thing that helped you. Though he was a crappy guard dog, he was amazing at alerting you.

You shook your head. You needed to get off the topic before leaving the living room to walk around the apartment. You couldn't avoid showing the vest with how small the room was, hell someone probably could have already seen it. It didn't matter, the people closest to you knew and that's all that needed to know. You showed them your little kitchen, and told them how it was one of your favorite places to be since you were a child. You told them how when you were younger, you and your grandmother would experiment with different foods to see what you both like or just to try something different. You gave your viewers a quick show of your cactus themed bathroom, laughing at yourself when you showed them your cactus shaped toothbrush holder. Soon you were back in your room showing that off.

"My place is pretty small in comparison to other apartments I've seen. I don't even have a separate room for all my streaming equipment, it just sits in the corner of my room with my desk and other stuff. Now I will have to call my job down at the cafe and see if I can film there for a bit while I work or something so your guys can see what it's like working in a cafe. My boss is pretty cool so she might let me, hell it might get the place more customers. We've been hitting our slow period and I've been sent home a few times just this week alone because we're too dead."

You moved to set the camera back in your normal spot sitting back down at your desk and propping your face in your hand, elbows resting on the top of the desk. "I guess I should tell you guys about the whole swear jar thing. I know you guys have been asking for a while and I keep telling you guys I'll tell you later. So I guess right now it's as good as any time to tell you."

Reaching across the desk, you pulled your jar into view. "As of this week I'm sitting at about seventy five dollars. Fifty cents a swear can get expensive after a while." You laughed pushing the jar away from you. "Well you see I've come to realize I tend to cuss way more than a woman should and for the most part I don't care but I think I'd make a sailor blush with the shit I say. I asked Alexa to help me with toning it down, I don't have to cut out the cussing completely but enough to make a difference in my life. So, we came up with the swear jar. Each time I let out a word I don't want to, I owe fifty cents. You should have seen the first few weeks of me doing this, I had over a thousand dollars each time."


Just like clockwork when the live stream notification went off there were three different phones that went off at once through the large apartment. The one of the youngest of the group who was the fastests, racing around the living room to have it pulled up on the tv so they could watch it with the others.

"Hurry up, it's on!" Jeongin called out running into the room behind Felix.

"I'm trying." The other panicked, fiddling with the remotes.

"Here I've got it on my phone!" Another spoke.

"I got it, it's up!" Felix cried in happiness and all the boys planted themselves on the couch, eyes glued to the tv as they watched. But what they didn't know was that someone was walking with them. Chan stood in the doorway of the kitchen with a coffee in hand and eyes trained on the beauty that displayed on the screen.

"She's so beautiful." He whispered to himself yet he himself didn't take notice of the man sitting behind him in the kitchen.

"What's up man?" Han asked, standing up and joining the other. "Who're you talking about?"

"Huh?" Chan cast a look beside him as Han stopped beside him, taking a sip of his own coffee. "Oh one."

"Yeah right." Han snorted, giving the older a pointed look. "Now who ya talking about?"

"Her." Chan nodded to the video the others were watching. "It's that streaming the boys are so obsessed with, I just can't take my eyes off her when I see them watching her videos."

"Maybe that's a sign." Han chuckled.

"Meaning what?"

"She could be your soulmate for all you know."

"I doubt it." Chan said a bit dejected. "We can't be when we don't have matching hair colors."

"And what color would you call her hair right now." Han asked, looking between his friend and the girl on screen.

"Black, maybe a dark brown."

"And have you checked your hair lately?" Han cocked a bow. "It's back to a different color, and if I had to pick how to describe it then I'd say it looks the same color as her in fact."

"Coincidence, it's a natural color she could be soulmates with just about anyone who has the same hair color and the same could be said about me." Chan looked away from the screen, eyes glaring down at the coffee cup in his hand. "I'll just have my hair fixed again when I see Alexa later this week."

"I feel sorry for her." Han laughed softly.

"Why's that?" Chan asked, looking over at the other.

"It's like she got hired to be your personal hair stylist when she works on your hair more often than she does the rest of us. Not that I'm complaining, I mean hell she still manages to find time for the rest of us."

Chan sighed heavily. "I know, and I hate the idea of her having to keep doing this when it's my soulmate's fault we keep having to change it."

"You could always just leave it to whatever color your soulmate picks." Han suggested.

Chan grinned. "I could but where's the fun in that."

Fried Hair/ Bang Chan (Stray Kids FanFiction)✅Where stories live. Discover now