Chapter One

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This was originally in my kpop short stories and oneshots but I figured all of my short stories deserved their own thing so here I am doing just that.


"Out of everything in this world, why on earth did soulmates have to be cursed with this hair changing bullshit?!" You vented out to the camera before you, it's flashing red lights showing you that you were live streaming and recording. "Why couldn't we get the cool shit in the fanfics like being able to write on our arms and it show up on the other's skin. Or what about having an actual string connects us. But nooo, I have to be stuck with this damn push and pull guessing game of what's my next hair color gonna be?! Like seriously, what kinda fucked up shit is this?!"

You were live streaming, it was like your own little blog. It served as your outlet at first but then as your fan base grew, it became a family you never knew you wanted to have. You loved seeing the comments, you loved the connections it brought you and the fans. It was everything to you. But to think that this connection that started off as your outlet grew into something popular that a lot of people watch, you've even seen people out on the streets watching your old videos.

Without second guessing what was coming out of your mouth, you continued on. "So, get this guys...I went to bed last night with blonde hair, my natural color mind you. Like hallelujah, for once it was the color it wanted! But I guess I couldn't be happy for long because next thing I knew I was waking up to this!"

You flipped off your beanie, hair cascading past your shoulders and down your back as it showed off the newly dyed hair. It was a vibrant pink on your right side and a beautiful aqua on your left. Sure you loved the colors, and hot damn did your rock the look but that wasn't the point. The point was you hated seeing the constant change, or the constant trouble it caused you.

"When I finally meet this soulmate of mine..." You laughed bitterly, shaking your head as you placed the beanie back on your head. "They'll end up getting an ear full."

You leaned in to look over your comments, all of them telling you that someone was behind you. It was a typical troll comment you saw a lot but seeing your whole comment second filled with this comment was getting a bit ridiculous.

"What do you guys mean there's someone behind me?" You groaned, throwing your head back a bit before turning to look behind you and that's when you screamed. You came face to face with your best friend, Alexa. "What the hell? Are you trying to five me a damn heart attack?!"

She smirked at you. "You owe the swear jar three fifty."

"Fuck." You said without thinking.

"Four bucks now." She laughed softly, making you throw your head back.

You had promised yourself and Alexa that you'd calm down with how much you cuss. So with her help you created a swear jar that you dropped fifty cents into each time you cussed.

"I hate you." You glared up at her.

"Love you, too, bestie."

"Why'd I ask for you to help me with my cussing again?" You shot her a mischievous grin and she just reached up to gently flick your forehead.

"Because you wanted to stop cussing because I'm a good influence."

Another glare was shot her way as you groaned. "That was a rhetorical questions smartas- I mean Lexa."

"I know." She laughed at you struggled to catch yourself before finally leaning over your chair and waving to the camera.

That's right you were streaming!

"Hi guys, hope you're all doing well." She grinned at the camera. "And you guys should help me keep track. Get her in more trouble."

You pushed her face away. "Go away, I'm livestreaming!"

Alexa shoved her phone into your view showing your livestream on its screen. "How do you think I knew how much you owed the jar?"

You rolled your eyes before turning back to your viewers, though your voice carried over to her. "You staying for a while?"

"Yeah, movie night is tonight." She told you, the smugness evident in her tone of voice. "And I'm here to remind you since you tend to forget a lot."

"Oops." You said with a cheeky smile before returning your attention back to the ranging comments. "No, I'm not ending the stream yet. You've got me for another half hour tops. Forty five minutes if someone can convince Alexa."

The comments then turned to address Alexa making you laugh.

Fried Hair/ Bang Chan (Stray Kids FanFiction)✅Where stories live. Discover now