Chapter Two

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Chan was walking around the dorm, it was a free day. No recording in the studio, no practicing any choreography, and no work. It was a great free day though when he heard the bickering of three of the five other men in the house.

"You're too young to watch this!" Felix growled toward the youngest of their group.

"How?" Jeongin mumbled, and Chan could practically see the younger throwing his arms across his chest in a pout. "All she does is cuss and minho cusses more than she does on a daily basis. Unlike him she's actively trying to stop."

"He's got a point." Han chuckled slowly, earning a sigh from Felix.

"Fine, fine." Felix groaned. "Go ahead and watch it."

Finally walking toward the living room to see I.N, Han, and Felix all gathered around watching what looked to be like a streaming video. This girl was ranting on the tv screen and all three boys had their eyes glued to the screen. He cocked a hip against the entry way that separated the living room and kitchen, arms crossed as he spoke.

"What are you guys watching?" His voice was quiet but it was enough to catch their attention and Jeongin turned around to face him with a grin on his face.

"She's a really pretty girl who does a lot of live streams. I found her channel a few months ago and got Felix and Han into it. She's pretty like I said but I really like what she talks about. Usually it's about her days or sometimes her favorite groups, which come to find out we're one of them. But anyway she's usually talking about some of the issues she faces as a person and what not." Jeongin explained, eyes shining bright in admiration before turning back to the screen as the women continued talking.

Felix was next, turning to face Chan. "Right now she's talking about her soulmate. The rest of us think that she's got some idol who changes their hair color a lot or someone who's desperate enough to kill their hair."

"Yeah, it's interesting to listen to." Han piped up, not bothering to look at his best friend. "You know I really don't watch videos like this but I've become invested in counting how many times her hair gets changed through the weeks and how she's gotten in trouble for them."

Chan raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

Han chuckled. "Yeah, her craziest one yet was how she was at work and her hair changed mid shift."

Chan chuckled, shaking his head. He could care less about what happened to the girl but to see how his friends and brothers were so invested, he had to care about that at least. And that was how their conversation died down, the older one walking away from the trio before walking back in the kitchen to make himself a well deserved cup of coffee. His nights were getting rough with their new single coming out and the coffee was the only thing that battled his inner insomnia demon.

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