ninety five | where you left your heart

Start from the beginning

In turn, Joseph said, "Hmm."

And while he started to slowly move his fingers across both of her arms and over towards her hands, Annabelle told him, "But if Kol finds out that you proposed to me and you hadn't talked to him about it, he's probably going to kill you."

When Joseph's eyebrows furrowed and he immediately stopped all movement, Annabelle started to laugh, which got Joseph to sigh before he asked her, "You're never gonna stop from trying to scare the hell out of me, are you?"

In response to his words, Annabelle simply shook her head before she turned herself around and grabbed the back of his head.

With a smile on her face, she pulled his face down to meet hers before she pressed her lips onto his, while Joseph simply pulled the Original closer to himself with a smile on his own face.

* * *

3 years ago- Cadiz, Spain

After seeing the way Joseph was looking at Annabelle, Kai said, "You know, if I wasn't totally grossed out by the way you're looking at Annabelle, I would tell you to go for it."

The most Joseph did was roll his eyes in response, while Dorothy said, "Knock it off, Kai. We're not here so that you can set Joseph up with Annabelle. We're here to help Annabelle with moving forward from her past. That's it."

In response to her words, Kai raised his eyebrows, while Annabelle silently stared at the spot where she was nearly killed by her father three-hundred and twenty-one years ago before she was daggered by Klaus and was forced to flee from Spain.

It was quite obvious that this spot in all of Spain still bothered her to an extent, which was why Joseph quickly made his way over towards her and said, "Annabelle, you need to move on from this. The William you knew was gone the moment he helped Lucien keep an eye on you and report back to him about what you were doing over four-hundred years ago." When she didn't respond, he told her, "And William as a whole has been dead for nine years. Thinking back on the moment you were almost killed by Mikael and when Mikael made you think he killed William is in the past. Neither of them can hurt you any more than they did when they were alive."

After finally looking away from the spot she was silently staring at, Annabelle stared up at Joseph, who had a frown on his face, before she nodded to herself and turned her back on the scene that had spent the past three-hundred and twenty-one years haunting her.

While she started to walk away from them and Dorothy started to quickly walk after her sire, Kai turned to Joseph and gave him a thumbs up as he mouthed 'good job, Jonah'.

In response to Kai's actions, Joseph simply rolled his eyes before he quickly walked after the youngest heretic and the Original vampire with Kai close behind him.

* * *

With a sigh, Kol said as he stared at Annabelle's face through the phone screen, "You know what, Annabelle? Just because we are currently five-thousand-four-hundred and twenty-one miles away from each other does not mean that I won't get onto an eleven-hour flight all the way to Southern France just to set your head straight." When Annabelle only smiled to herself in response, he said as he pointed at her, "And don't bloody smile, either."

With a sigh of her own, Annabelle started to say to him, "Kol—"

Kol replied, "No! Don't Kol me! I haven't seen you, much less heard from you in nearly three years, and the one thing I hear after complete silence about you for nearly three years from Kai Parker of all people was about how you're engaged to Joseph and you hadn't thought to tell me first? You had to tell him and not me? I'm your brother. You, or at least Joseph, should have talked to me about this before it even happened. Besides, I'm the closest thing you even have to a father. I should've been asked for my blessing."

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